Final characterisation and design of the Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope (GCT) for the Cherenkov telescope array
O. Le Blanc,G. Fasola,J. M. Huet,R. White,A. Dmytriiev,H. Sol,A. Zech,A. Abchiche,J. P. Amans,T. P. Armstrong,M. Barcelo,D. Berge,A. M. Brown,G. Buchholtz,P. M. Chadwick,P. Clark,G. Cotter,L. Dangeon,F. De Frondat,P. Deiml,J. L. Dournaux,C. Duffy,S. Einecke,S. Flis,S. Funk,G. Giavitto,J. Gironnet,J. A. Graham,T. Greenshaw,J. A. Hinton,I. Jégouzo,M. Kraus,J. S. Lapington,P. Laporte,S. A. Leach,S. Lloyd,I. A. Minaya,R. Morier,A. Okumura,H. Prokoph,D. Ross,G. Rowell,C. B. Rulten,H. Schoorlemmer,J. Schmoll,S. T. Spencer,M. Stephan,R. Stuik,H. Tajima,J. Thornhill,L. Tibaldo,J. Vink,J. J. Watson,J. Williams,A. Zink,J. Zorn,Oriane Le Blanc,Gilles Fasola,Jean-Michel Huet,Richard White,Anton Dmytriiev,Hélène Sol,Andreas Zech,Abdelkader Abchiche,Jean-Philippe Amans,Thomas Armstrong,Miquel Barcelo,David Berge,Anthony Brown,Gilles Buchholtz,Paula Chadwick,Paul Clark,Garret Cotter,Lucie Dangeon,Fatima De Frondat,Peter Deiml,Jean-Laurent Dournaux,Connor Duffy,Sabrina Einecke,Samuel Flis,Stefan Funk,Gianluca Giavitto,Johann Gironnet,Jamie Graham,Tim Greenshaw,Jim Hinton,Isabelle Jégouzo,Manuel Kraus,Jon Lapington,Philippe Laporte,Steven Leach,Sheridan Lloyd,Ignacio Minaya,Robin Morier,Akira Okumura,Heike Prokoph,Duncan Ross,Gavin Rowell,Cameron Rulten,Harm Schoorlemmer,Jürgen Schmoll,Samuel Spencer,Maurice Stephan,Remko Stuik,Hiroyasu Tajima,Julian Thornhill,Luigi Tibaldo,Jacco Vink,Jason Watson,Jamie Williams,Adrian Zink,Justus Zorn
Abstract:The Gamma-ray Cherenkov Telescope (GCT) is one of the telescopes proposed for the Small Sized Telescope (SST) section of CTA. Based on a dual-mirror Schwarzschild-Couder design, which allows for more compact telescopes and cameras than the usual single-mirror designs, it will be equipped with a Compact High-Energy Camera (CHEC) based on silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). In 2015, the GCT prototype was the first dual-mirror telescope constructed in the prospect of CTA to record Cherenkov light on the night sky. Further tests and observations have been performed since then. This report describes the current status of the GCT, the results of tests performed to demonstrate its compliance with CTA requirements, and the optimisation of the design for mass production. The GCT collaboration, including teams from Australia, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, plans to install the first telescopes on site in Chile for 2019-2020 as part of the CTA pre-production phase.