Link Between Magnetism and Resistivity Upturn in Cuprates: a Thermal Conductivity Study of La_2-xSr_xCuO_4
P. Bourgeois-Hope,S. Y. Li,F. Laliberté,S. Badoux,S. M. Hayden,N. Momono,T. Kurosawa,K. Yamada,H. Takagi,Nicolas Doiron-Leyraud,Louis Taillefer
Abstract:A key unexplained feature of cuprate superconductors is the upturn in theirnormal state electrical resistivity ρ(T) seen at low temperature insidethe pseudogap phase. We examined this issue via measurements of the thermalconductivity κ(T) down to 50 mK and in fields up to 17 T on the cuprateLa_2-xSr_xCuO_4 at dopings p = 0.13, 0.136, 0.143 and 0.18. At p =0.136, 0.143, and 0.18, we observe an initial increase of the electronicthermal conductivity κ_0/T as a function of field, as expected in ad-wave superconductor. For p = 0.136 and 0.143, further increasing thefield then leads to a decrease of κ_0/T, which correlates with the onsetof spin density-wave order as observed in neutron scattering experiments on thesame samples. This decrease of κ_0/T with field is imposed by theWiedemann-Franz law and the high value of the resistivity in the high-fieldnormal state of these samples. Our study therefore provides a direct linkbetween magnetism and the resistivity upturn in the pseudogap phase ofcuprates. We discuss this scenario in the broader context of other cuprates.