Inclusion Matrices for Rainbow Subsets
Chengyang Qian,Yaokun Wu,Yanzhen Xiong
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society
Abstract:Let S be a finite set, each element of which receives a color. A rainbow t -set of S is a t -subset of S in which different elements receive different colors. Let ( [ S; t ]) denote the set of all rainbow t -sets of S , let ( [ S; ≤ t ]) represent the union of ( [ S; i ]) for i=0,… , t , and let 2^S stand for the set of all rainbow subsets of S . The rainbow inclusion matrix 𝒲^S is the 2^S× 2^S (0, 1) matrix whose ( T , K )-entry is one if and only if T⊆ K . We write 𝒲_t,k^S and 𝒲_≤ t,k^S for the ( [ S; t ]) ×( [ S; k ]) submatrix and the ( [ S; ≤ t ]) ×( [ S; k ]) submatrix of 𝒲^S , respectively, and so on. We determine the diagonal forms and the ranks of 𝒲_t,k^S and 𝒲_≤ t,k^S . We further calculate the singular values of 𝒲_t,k^S and construct accordingly a complete system of (0,± 1) eigenvectors for them when the numbers of elements receiving any two given colors are the same. Let 𝒟^S_t,k denote the integral lattice orthogonal to the rows of 𝒲_≤ t,k^S and let 𝒟^S_t,k denote the orthogonal lattice of 𝒟^S_t,k . We make use of Frankl rank to present a (0,± 1) basis of 𝒟^S_t,k and a (0, 1) basis of 𝒟^S_t,k . For any commutative ring R , those nonzero functions f∈ R^2^S satisfying 𝒲_t,≥ 0^Sf=0 are called null t -designs over R , while those satisfying 𝒲_≤ t,≥ 0^Sf=0 are called null (≤ t) -designs over R . We report some observations on the distributions of the support sizes of null designs as well as the structure of null designs with extremal support sizes.