A Class of Freely Complemented von Neumann Subalgebras of $L\mathbb{F}_n$
Nicholas Boschert,Ethan Davis,Patrick Hiatt
Abstract:We prove that if $A_1, A_2, \dots, A_n$ are tracial abelian von Neumann algebras for $2\leq n \leq \infty$ and $M = A_1 * \cdots * A_n$ is their free product, then any subalgebra $A \subset M$ of the form $A = \sum_{i=1}^n u_i A_i p_i u_i^*$, for some projections $p_i \in A_i$ and unitaries $u_i \in U(M)$, for $1 \leq i \leq n$, such that $\sum_i u_i p_i u_i^* = 1$, is freely complemented (FC) in $M$. Moreover, if $A_1, A_2, \dots, A_n$ are purely non-separable abelian, and $M = A_1 * \cdots * A_n$, then any purely non-separable singular MASA in $M$ is FC. We also show that any of the known maximal amenable MASAs $A\subset L\mathbb{F}_n$ (notably the radial MASA), satisfies Popa's weak FC conjecture, i.e., there exist Haar unitaries $u\in L\mathbb{F}_n$ that are free independent to $A$.
Operator Algebras