Bioterrorism. Mathematical Modeling Applications in Homeland Security.
Ming Jiang
BioMedical Engineering OnLine
Abstract:According to ISCID Encyclopedia of Science and Philosophy, Bioterrorism is type of terrorism that employs use of biological agents to achieve its goals [1]. has been hot topic in United States since mysterious anthrax letters of fall 2001 [2]. Mathematical models of viral transmission and control are important tools for assessing threat posed by deliberate release of biological agents such as smallpox, influenza and foot and mouth disease (FMD), etc., and best means of containing an outbreak [3]. Development in this field should provide planning tools to help manage emerging infections of all kinds. From preface: This volume brings contributions of selected group of experts from various fields who have begun to develop models to tackle some of current challenges raised in biosurveillance, agroterrorism, bioterror response logistics, and assessment of impact of deliberate release of biological agents and social forces that maintain groups of terror. This book is engendered from workshop in 2002 sponsored by Center for Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS) at Rutgers University and National Science Foundation (NSF). There is an introductory preface about book and ten chapters presenting mathematical models related to bioterrorism The 1st chapter, Challenges for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science in Defense against Bioterrorism, is an overview of approaches based on discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science to bioterrorism issues. It presents an analysis of detailed challenges for discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science and relevant tools. These tools, which seem very relevant to epidemiological problems and in particular to defense against bioterrorism, are not very well known among those working on public health problem. The 2nd chapter, Worst-Case Scenarios and Epidemics, is to identify under what conditions random mixing can be used to model worst-case scenarios. It focuses on preliminary examination of validity of assumptions and tries to solve disagreement in previous studies because of preassumed population structure and mixing topology. The 3rd chapter, Chemical and Biological Sensing: and Analysis from Real World, introduced techniques to detect minute amount of chemical and biological substances prior to their dissemination on large scale. 1st topic is TNT molecule detection technique based on continuous flow displacement immunosensor (CFI sensors) and its improvement with pulsatile flow in reaction-convection model. 2nd topic is about cell-base biosensors. authors describe two new biosensor methods for short data sets that use area measurements to detect subtle change in signal. 3rd topic is how to analyze data from high-dimensional theoretical model and discover external and internal changes in continuum mechanical system. The 4th chapter, The Distribution of Interpoint Distances, shows how to use distribution of interpoint distance between two randomly selected observations as summary of spatial distribution. method was applied in practice for syndromic surveillance and generated a remarkable constancy over time. The 5th chapter, Epidemiologic Information for Foot-and-Mouth Disease, is survey of FMD including its history, agent, clinical signs, pathogenesis, prevention and control, and available models, etc. All topics are appropriately discussed with list of 140 references. The 6th chapter, Modeling and Imaging Techniques with Potential for Application in Bioterrorism, discusses modeling and imaging techniques. The first focuses on physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK)-type models and effects of drugs, toxins, and viruses on tissue, organs, individuals, and populations wherein both intra- and interindividual variability are present when one attempts to determine kinetic rates, susceptibility, efficacy of toxins, antitoxins, etc. in aggregate populations. method was applied to model progression of HIV at cellular level infection pathway as an example. A second effort concerns use of remote electromagnetic interrogation pulses linked to dielectric properties of materials to carry out macroscopic structural imaging of bulk packages (drugs, explosives, etc.) as well as test for presence and levels of toxic chemical compounds in tissue. The 7th chapter, Models for Transmission Dynamics of Fanatic Behaviors, explicitly focuses on generation of qualitative results that may be useful in fight against fanaticism, force behind acts of terrorism. However, the results in this chapter should not be taken as prediction of reality, because situation is highly complex and there is issue of data to validate model. The 8th chapter, Epidemic Model with Virtual Mass Transportation: Case of Smallpox in Large City, studies release targets that include city subway system or airport hubs. An epidemiological model for transmission dynamic and control of smallpox with multiple level of mixing is introduced together with simulation results. In summary, having enough vaccines stockpiles, while necessary, is not enough. best policy must include timely application of mass vaccination. Chapter 2 addresses disagreement on this issue. The 9th chapter, The Role of Migration and Contact Distributions in Epidemic Spread, presents reaction-diffusion model for epidemic spread with sedentary and migrating compartment. author demonstrated how epidemic models revealing appropriate epidemiological scenario can be obtained by scaling of parameters. The 10th chapter, Modeling Spread of Influenza among Cities, uses modified susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model for spread of influenza in each city and assumes nonrandom mixing of population among cities by air travel. model parameters are estimated from literature. authors provide comparison of model predictions with CDC data for several representative cities. This simple model did remarkably well at predicting yearly influenza epidemic. From preface: Naturally, this volume gives limited view of challenges, possibilities, and opportunities that may be tackled with use of mathematical and computational approaches. Our hope is that contributions in its 10 chapters may inspire and stimulate research at interface of homeland security and mathematical and statistical sciences. Each chapter has its own list of references. There is an index for entire book. While generally speaking it is in high quality, there are some symbols used without definitions. For example, symbols Ab and Ag on p. 58 are not introduced before its first use. Some representations could have been done better. For example, some results are given in tables of numbers, for which graphic presentations should be more illustrative. From publisher: This volume will be of interest particularly to those specializing in biological sciences including biophysics, biomedical engineering, and biomathematics, but its applications extend to readers with an interest in control and systems theory, dynamical systems, inverse problems, discrete math, statistics, computational science, and, of course, simulation and modeling. Other reviews of this book can found at MAA Book Review Column and book review section in Bulletin (New Series) of American Mathematical Society[4,5]. Readers are recommended to read recent reviews on mathematical models and various aspects in bioterrorism [3,6].