The Influence of Product Quality, Promotion, Trust, Convenience and Price on Purchasing Decisions with Brand Image as an Intervening Variable
Golan Hasan,,Alif Via Indira Rinaldo 2041092,
Abstract:Today's advanced age has the potential to change people's lives. Throughout these modern times, several technical developments have taken place, among which are software and data innovations. E-commerce has become a part of the potential market as the number of online consumers increases over time. The growth of online stores in Indonesia through social networking sites seems to be very rapid and has been widely recognized by the public. The findings of Shopee's analysis further show that most of Shopee's customers are young people. According to the Mark Plus study, several elements encourage teenagers to favor internet purchases, including many promotions, low prices, a variety of consumer-related products, faster delivery service, and also various alternative courier companies. This study uses quantitative research methods by conducting observation of the influence of several existing variables. It can be stated that variables X and Y have an influence of 70.1% on variable Z based on the R Square (R2) value of 0.701. Then, 29.9% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. The E1 value can be calculated using the formula e1 \sqrt (1-0.701) 0.5468. The t test results show that H1, H2, H8, H11 are rejected because of the Sig value. 0,05. The t test results show that H3 is rejected because the Sig value is 0.05. 4. The t test results show H4, H5, H7, H9, H10, and 12 are accepted because of the Sig value. 0,05. 6. The F test results show H6 and H13 are accepted because of the Sig value. 0,05.