Brand Image, Perceived Quality, Ease Of Use, Trust, Price, Service Quality On Customer Satisfaction And Purchase Intention Of Blibli Website With Digital Technology As Dummy Variable In The Use Of Eviews
R. Pramono,Juliana,A. Djakasaputra,E. Hulu
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to analyze whether ease of use has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, to analyze whether trust has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, to analyze whether service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, to analyze whether brand image has a significant effect on purchase intention, to analyze whether price has a significant effect on purchase intention, to analyze perceived quality has a significant effect on purchase intention, to analyze the simultaneous relationship of purchase intention and customer satisfaction, to analyze digital technology as a dummy variable that has a positive effect on purchase intention, to analyze digital technology as a dummy variable positive effect on customer satisfaction, presents and understands how to estimate the number of Blibli transactions using the ARIMA method. Data analysis using Eviews 10 produces using digital technology as a dummy variable, it can be concluded: Perceived quality has a significant effect on purchase intention, Brand image has a significant effect on purchase intention, Price has no significant effect on purchase intention, Digital technology has no significant effect on purchase intention, Simultaneously Perceived quality, brand image, price and digital technology have a significant effect on purchase intention, Ease of Use has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, Service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, Trust has no significant effect on customer satisfaction, Digital technology has no significant effect on customers satisfaction, simultaneously ease of use, service quality, trust, digital technology have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Based on testing the simultaneous relationship of purchase intention with customer satisfaction, it is found that there are results of simultaneous testing of the regression coefficients of simultaneous equations showing purchase intention has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. So it can be concluded that the 2SLS (two stage least squares) test results indicate that there is a simultaneous relationship between purchase intention to customers satisfaction, but conversely there is no simultaneous relationship from customer satisfaction to purchase intention. t test results (partial) ease of use variable does not significantly influence customer satisfaction, trust variable does not significantly influence customer satisfaction, service quality variable significantly influences customer satisfaction. The results obtained R-Squared (R2) of 0.575273. R-Squared (R2) with a value of 57.52% indicates that the influence of purchase intention on customer satisfaction is 57.52%, the remaining 42.48% is explained by other variables. The results obtained adjusted R-Squared (R2) of 0.557390. adjusted R-Squared (R2) with a value of 55.73% shows that the influence of purchase intention on customer satisfaction is 55.73%, the remaining 44.27% is explained by other variables.The results of simultaneous testing of the simultaneous regression equation coefficients indicate customer satisfaction has no significant effect on purchase intention. So it can be concluded that the 2SLS (two stage least squares) test results show that there is no simultaneous relationship from customer satisfaction to purchase intention, but instead there is a simultaneous relationship between purchase intention to customer satisfaction. t test results (partial) brand image variables significantly influence purchase intention, perceived quality variable significantly influences purchase intention, price variable significantly influences purchase intention.The results obtained by R-Squared (R2) of 0.671763. R-Squared (R2) with a value of 67.17% indicates that the simultaneous effect of customer satisfaction on purchase intention of 67.17%, the remaining 32.83% is explained by other variables. The results obtained adjusted R-Squared (R2) of 0.657942
Computer Science,Psychology,Business