The Culture of a Small Historical Town as a Potential for Preserving the National Mentality of the British (Using the Example of Stratford-upon-Avon)

Г.И. Поважная
Nasledie Vekov
Abstract:В исследовании через анализ культурных практик населения города Стратфорда-на-Эйвоне выявляются основные элементы ментальности жителей современной английской провинции. Основу изысканий составили научные публикации, материалы с официального сайта городского совета, видеоролики, размещенные на портале YouTube. История Стратфорда-на-Эйвоне изучена в аспекте последующего анализа роли Уильяма Шекспира как «гения места». Охарактеризованы современные культурные практики, рассмотрены механизмы воспроизводства английского менталитета через участие горожан в культурной жизни. Определена актуальность таких характеристик ментальности англичан, как приверженность семейным ценностям, расположенность к благотворительности, осознание особой ценности труда, любовь к истории своего города и страны, тяга к высокому искусству и аристократическим формам ритуалов. Сделан вывод о европейском подходе к культуре как к отрасли, способной мягко управлять социумом, являясь ресурсом материального благосостояния. The study, through an analysis of the cultural practices of the population of Stratford-upon-Avon (UK), identifies the main elements of the mentality of the inhabitants of the modern English province. The sources used were scientific publications, materials from the city’s official website, numerous videos about Stratford-upon-Avon posted on the Internet portal YouTube, as well as the author’s own impressions of visiting the city. The methodology is based on the principle of consistency when using cultural methods of considering culture in historical retrospect (diachronic method). The author analyzes the history of the formation of Stratford-upon-Avon as an urban settlement in the context of a subsequent analysis of the role of William Shakespeare as a “genius loci,” whose name became the brand of the city and explores modern cultural practices that reflect and consolidate the British mentality. These include such holidays and festivals as Shakespeare’s Birthday, annual literary and music festivals, a festival of modern art, and museum exhibitions, which the author describes in the article, stressing the desire of the authorities and citizens to preserve the city’s historical appearance. The author also identifies mechanisms for the reproduction of the English mentality through the participation of citizens in cultural life. In general, the study confirms the thesis about the importance of the potential of small towns for preserving the national cultural mentality of the population. An important quality of the townspeople of the modern English province is the combination of being involved in innovative forms of social life and preserving traditional, sometimes archaic, forms of culture. The most prominent feature of the British mentality is the need for self-affirmation through charity. The traditional value of family and close emotional family ties is also an element of the system of the British mentality, which is very important for maintaining natural relations between generations and genders for the normal development of society. The author points out the features of mentality that reflect the role of aristocracy in the culture of the British, which is manifested in their desire to comply with the protocol in the public space of holidays and mass love for high art. The cultural life of Stratford-upon-Avon is developing in line with the general trends in the cultural policies of European states, where the attitude towards culture combines the promotion of the preservation of cultural identity and the special role of culture as a soft power in social management at the domestic and international levels.
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