Radiation force characteristics of non-uniform chiral stratified particles in standing wave field
Jing Bai,Wen-Hao Ma,Cheng-Xian Ge,Zhen-Sen Wu,Tong Xu,School of Electronic Engineering, Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications, Xi'an 710121, China,The 39th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Corporation, Xi'an 710065, China,School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7498/aps.73.20240842
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Bai Jing, Ma Wen-Hao, Ge Cheng-Xian, Wu Zhen-Sen, Xu Tong <sec< (glmt)="" (svwfs),="" <b<conclusions<="" <b<method<="" <b<objective<="" <b<results="" a="" achieved="" acting="" addition="" addition,="" additionally,="" advantages="" affect="" aims="" alone.="" among="" an="" analysis="" analytical="" analyzed="" analyzing="" and="" angle="" angle,="" application="" applications="" appropriate="" arbitrary="" are="" as="" axial="" b<="" balance="" based="" be="" beam="" beam,="" beams="" behavior="" biological="" both="" boundary="" by="" can="" capabilities.="" capture="" capturing="" cells="" center="" characteristics="" chiral="" coefficient="" compared="" complex="" complex-shaped="" conduct="" confining="" conservation="" continuity="" coordinate="" counter-propagating="" deepen="" delicate="" demand="" derive="" derived="" detail,="" development="" directions.="" discussions<="" double="" dual="" each="" effective="" effectively="" electromagnetic="" employing="" employs="" enforcing="" enhanced="" exerted="" exhibit="" existing="" expanded="" expressions="" external="" field="" fields="" fields.="" find="" for="" force="" forces="" forces.="" fresh="" functions="" gained="" gas="" gaussian="" generalized="" has="" how="" important="" in="" in-depth="" incident="" increasing="" index="" indicate="" influence="" influences="" inhomogeneous="" interactions="" internal="" investigation="" is="" it="" laser="" layered="" light,="" light-field-particle="" literature.="" lorentz-mie="" lorenz-mie="" manipulating="" manipulation="" manipulation,="" micromanipulation="" microscale="" mode,="" momentum="" momentum.="" more="" multi-layered="" multilayer="" nanoscale.<="" necessary="" non-uniform="" numerical="" obtained="" of="" offering="" on="" optical="" or="" our="" p="" paper="" parameters="" parameters,="" parameters.="" particle="" particles="" particles,="" particles.="" particles.<="" perspectives="" polarization="" position,="" precision="" principle="" programs="" propagating="" properties="" proves="" provides="" radiation="" ranging,="" realizing="" refractive="" region="" related="" research="" results="" reveals="" scattering="" sec<<="" sec<<sec<="" selecting="" significant="" single="" size,="" spectroscopy,="" sphere="" spherical="" stabilizing="" standing="" state="" structures,="" structures.<="" studies="" study="" such="" techniques,="" technology,="" than="" that="" the="" then="" theorem.="" theorem. Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(18): 184201. Published 2024-09-20</sec<>
physics, multidisciplinary