On the Charging Effects of Dust Particles in Polar Mesosphere
GE Shu-can,LI Hai-long,MENG Lin,WANG Mao-yan,RAUF Abdur,ULLAH Safi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12178/1001-0548.2020328
Abstract:By using the orbit-limited motion (OLM) method and the charging theory of dust particles, the charging effects of dust particles during the condition when dusty plasmas in mesosphere affected by high power radio wave are analyzed in this paper. In addition, the theoretical results are demonstrated by simulated experiments. Through theoretical analysis, it can be known that the number ofcharge dust particles is determined by the size of the dust radius, electron temperature, ion temperature, ion density and electron density. Based on the data of rocket-borne sensors and simulation results, it is found that the average number of charged dust decreases with an increase in dust charges number density and increases with an increase in dust radius, electron temperature, and electron density. The simulation results are close to the theoretical and experimental studied results, and the average radius are consistent with the results of reference when the average dust charge is 0.4e.