Resolution of Cases of Sexual Violence Against Children in Efforts for the Legal Protection of Children Reviewed from Law No 23 of 2002 (Study in Segaran Village, Batujaya Karawang District)

Tri Agus Haryono,Dion Untung Wijaya,Mijan,Yeti Kurniati,Hernawati Ras
Abstract:According to the definition stated in Article 1 Number 1 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection, a child is someone who has not reached the age of 18 years, including children who are still in the womb. Children are considered a trust and gift from Almighty God, who require protection and supervision because they have value, dignity, and rights as human beings that must be respected. This research uses normative juridical methods, which means it only relies on research on library materials or secondary data related to law. Therefore, the data used results from research and analysis of relevant literature. This approach uses legal materials as a basis for the researcher's point of view in carrying out the analysis. The local government of Karawang Regency is required to provide care, treatment, and social rehabilitation for children who are victims of sexual violence, both inside and outside institutions. Actions taken by local governments include understanding children's problems in general or specifically related to victims of sexual violence, planning preventive measures through outreach to the community, and providing assistance in resolving the problems of children who are victims, including legal assistance, protection, and cooperation with other parties. related to solving the problem, as well as monitoring the child's development after solving the problem
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