An Empirical Study of Land Rights of Rural Women in China
QIAN Wen-rong,MAO Ying-chun
Abstract:Most women in China got the equal land rights in the i nitial distribution of land in the second round of contract. However, women ofte n lose their land rights when they migrate somewhere else due to marriage or som e other reasons. It is usually caused by the following four reasons. First, ther e is a conflict between the related legislations on the unchangeable contract ri ghts for 30 years for the sake of protection and stability of the contract right s of farm households and Chinese custom that married rural women live in their h usbands' villages, which leads to a fact that women married within the contract term can neither get land in their husbands' villages nor take their contracted land away from their native villages and consequently the loss of their land rig hts. Second, the instability and inconsistence of land policies affect the conti nuity of the rural women's land contract rights. When local governments in many regions are adjusting land contract rights, they are deeply influenced by variou s informal constraints such as ethics and customs, which usually lead to the los s of land rights of migrated married women. Third, some migrated married women c annot get the land contract rights for the time being due to the limited land su pply in some administrative villages. Lack or small quantity of reserved land ma ke immigrated married women cannot get their land contract rights on time. They can only get the land after some villagers return their lands due to further edu cation, death or marriage. In some villages with small land supply and big popul ation, it will take a long time to get the land. Fourth, some divorced women can not get the land contract rights due to the inequality between men and women. Th e contracted lands and the distributed profits from the rural collective lands a re usually registered in the name of male head of the households. Once a family breaks, a rural woman is usually in a very disadvantaged position when distribut ing the household property such as household contracted land, land for house bui lding and its attachment, and collective dividend. To solve the problems on the land rights of rural women, the Government should first affirm the land rights a s real rights; quicken the reform of the land property right system; define the legal purview of some disposition rights including use right transfer, subcontra ct, lease, conversion into shares, joint operation, mortgage, and inheriting; ad opt a marketalized mechanism to realize the dynamic land contract rights of marr ied women, for example, distributing and transferring land real rights among fam ily members or establishing cooperation within the family; conduct the sharehold ing reform of land operation rights and benefit rights in the villages with high er levels of industrialization and urbanization and protect the land rights of r ural women by the reform of the land property right system. The Government shoul d also strengthen the legal protection and assure the long-term land use right of the farmers particularly the rural women. The related laws such as ″Law of R ural Land Contract″ should be strictly implemented and the existing village cus tom and regulations which are contradictory to the related laws should be abolis hed.