P. Lisovskiy,Yu. Lisovska
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/apmv.2020.142.1.15-26
Abstract:In the article, the authors substantiates the modern model of the interman as a creative cyber personality, which has the potential to be identified with the correspondence of virtual bodies as a problem of modern culture. It is emphasized that it is precisely this functional possibility that finds out a new paradigm of human existence, in which entropy as a criterial device modernizes modern society. It is determined that the most intelligently gifted people are able to master the noosphere space of being through the phenomenal wisdom recipes. This content shows entropy as a defining modus of probable processes, in which modernization of a modern person, state and society takes place, since the criterion of the entropy apparatus is the recognition of that random fact (events, situations) that becomes logical. It is emphasized that the main direction of risk processes in the phenomenal wisdom recipes for the personality, the state and society should be truly chosen in the entropy system, carefully studying the theory of probable functions. It is revealed that ideological borrowings contain a considerable danger, since ideology has a class modification due to the modernization of a certain class on the basis of samples of another's experience. It is concluded that this may lead to an urgent inter-class conflict, to strengthen, oppositional sentiment. An overview of modernization as an entropy of risk processes is given, which is the mainstream in a particular historical retrospective of phenomenal consciousness. It is emphasized that modernization means the creation of a new type of world order, in which human being plays an anthropocentric role at the level of legal subjectivity. The constructive and destructive Spirit of Time according to the entropy criteria is confirmed. Different forms of crisis are revealed when exhausting the established norms and rules of behavior of individuals, groups, classes, ethnic groups, communities. It is envisaged that science is such a fundamental innovation in which entropy depends to a large extent on the mental and value orientations of an individual people, based on consciousness, language, culture, etc. Creation of complex of measures and procedures is envisaged including the risks concerning maintenance of human life and health in the legal state.