Corpus-based ESP Genre Analysis and Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS): Exploring Connections

Lynne Flowerdew
Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies
Abstract:Corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS) and corpus-based ESP (English for specific purposes) genre analysis may seem worlds apart. While the two approaches use similar corpus analysis tools, the topics investigated are quite different. The focus of CADS tends to be on political and media discourses and press briefings, and more recently on environmental concerns such as climate change. In contrast, the notion of genre is generally concerned with academic and professional written genres. On the surface, they would appear to have different ontologies and epistemologies. This paper aims to show, with reference to key work in CADS and pedagogic applications of corpus-based ESP genre analysis, that they do, in fact, share commonalities. These are illustrated using three main linguistic insights gleaned from corpus investigations in CADS work: co-selection/co-occurrence, lexical priming and evaluative cohesion. Future work in both areas is discussed with some comments on how AI/ChatGPT may be a help or hindrance to CADS and corpus-based genre investigations.
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