Characteristics and development of the main phase disturbance in geomagnetic storms (Dst $\le$ -50 nT)
Osman M. Ahmed,Badruudin Zaheer Ahmad,Moncef Derouich
Abstract:We present geomagnetic storms (GSs) selected from three solar cycles, spanning the years 1995 to 2022. We studied the development of the main phase of storms within disturbance storm time (Dst) amplitudes ranging from Dst =-64 nT to Dst=- 422 nT. In order to determine the solar wind (SW) parameters that mainly influence the main phase development of a GS, which can best describe the SW-magnetosphere coupling, we divided our selected GSs into four groups based on main phase duration. Superposed epoch analysis was performed on the selected geomagnetic indices, SW plasma and field parameters, and their derivatives separately for each group. To that end, the dynamics of GS main phase development is mainly guided by interplanetary driver magnetic field southward component, (-Bz). It has been determined that there is a temporal difference between the peak values of Bz and Dst. As a result, Dst is delayed from Bz by 1-4 hours, which is crucial for space weather forecasting. The peak of Dst has a direct relationship with the amplitude of storm sudden commencement (SSC) and an inverse relationship with the duration of SSC. The inter-relationship between the peaks of the three indices (Dst, AE, and ap) during GS, is also obtained. Dst is found to be more closely related to ap than AE. To determine the best fit SW parameter to the geomagnetic activity indices, we used a linear correlation between the peak values of individual geomagnetic indices and SW plasma and field parameters and their derivatives. An electric field related function involving speed and IMF (v$^{4/3}$Bz) when coupled with a viscous term ($\rho^{1/2}$) correlates very well with the intensity of the GS (Dst$ _{min} $ or $ \Delta$Dst) and the magnitude of (ap$_{max}$) and (AE$_{max}$) during storms. However, a related function (v$^{4/3}$B$\rho^{1/2}$) represents slightly better the peak of AE$_{max}$ during the storms.
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics,Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics,Space Physics