Elena Abdrakhmanova,,Lyaylya Masyagutova,Elvira Urazaeva,Elmira Shaikhlislamova,Natal'ya Vlasova,,,,,,,
Social Aspects of Population Health
Abstract:Significance. The conducted studies are devoted to the analysis of the factors of disease development and prevention of major non-communicable diseases, the most common of which are cardiovascular diseases. The relevance of this work is determined by the possibility and need for timely identification of pre-pathological and pathological conditions, in order to develop optimal schemes of preventive measures to preserve professional longevity of workers. The purpose of the study was to develop a program of preventive measures based on the risk assessment of cardiovascular diseases in workers of metallurgical production, exposed to a complex of occupational risk factors. Material and methods. Results of periodic medical examination of workers of certain professional groups of a metallurgical enterprise have been analyzed. To determine the total fatal cardiovascular risk among workers, the SCORE (Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation) was used. Results. A general sanitary audit of the working conditions of the metallurgical plant workers corresponds to hazardous class 3, degree 2-3 (3.2-3.3). According to the survey results, tobacco smoking is common among more than half of the surveyed workers - 56.8%. Among the professional group of temperers, tobacco smoking is more common (67.0%) compared to the professional group of wire-drawers (50.0%) and the control group (25.6%). The average body mass index among workers was 26.1±1.7 kg/m2, and 27.8±1.5 kg/m2 in the control group. Analysis of the average cholesterol group level was within the reference values of 4.8±0.1 mmol/l. 31.6% of the workers had high and very high levels of fatal cardiovascular risk, and 14.1% - a low one. Conclusion. Preventive measures to preserve professional longevity of metallurgical production workers should be carried out based on the cardiovascular risk assessment using the developed programs. Scope of application. The developed algorithm for selecting medical measures with due regard to cardiovascular risk assessment can be used as a corporate program for preserving health of the working population.
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