Foreign Experience in Management of the Development of Sports and Health Activities
Serhii S Romanenko,South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K D Ushynsky,Serhii S. Romanenko,
Business Inform
Abstract:In the conditions of military aggression and hostilities taking place in Ukraine, the problems of sports and health activities, unfortunately, are relegated to secondary positions. A large part of the sports infrastructure is destroyed by the enemy, training and competitions were stopped for the most part, threatening the loss of the country's sports potential. The industry has experienced a significant reduction in funding, and some promising athletes have moved out abroad. Studies have shown that currently there are no systematic scientific and practical developments regarding the formation and development of the sports and health sector in the conditions of hostilities and the postwar period, which limits our possibilities in the terms of prediction and forecasting for the future, nonetheless actualizing further research in this direction. The industry has experienced a significant reduction in funding, and some promising athletes have gone abroad. Studies have shown that currently, there are no systematic scientific and practical developments regarding the formation and development of the sports and health sector in the conditions of hostilities and the post-war period, which limits our possibilities in the framework of prediction and forecasting for the future and actualizes further research in this direction. The article aims to study the foreign experience of managing the development of sports and health activities and the possibility of its use in Ukraine. The experience of leading countries in managing sports and health activities has been studied and systematized. The possibilities of implementing particular mechanisms and tools into the national model at its current reorganization stage have been determined. It is noted that currently the basic condition for the development of the system is the search for the most optimal balance of powers between the State, regions, and the private sector regarding the management of this sphere, which includes the advantages of the American model on the one hand (primarily in terms of creating favorable conditions for attracting private capital) and the European model on the other hand, which involves moderate handing over on the part of the State by establishing priorities, coordination of economic entities and targeted funding of priority areas. It is noted that the defining features that are characteristic of the management system of sports and health activities in all countries that have achieved high results in this sphere are, first of all: a developed regulatory and legislative framework and institutions, the clear State-controlled priorities for the development of sports, diversified sources of funding and instruments for stimulation of entrepreneurship, as well as close attention to personnel training and development of science and technology in the industry.