Search for long-lived particles that decay into final states containing two electrons or two muons in proton-proton collisions at

Vardan Khachatryan, Albert M Sirunyan, Armen Tumasyan, Wolfgang Adam, Thomas Bergauer, Marko Dragicevic, Janos Erö, Markus Friedl, Rudolf Fruehwirth, Vasile Mihai Ghete, Christian Hartl, Natascha Hörmann, Josef Hrubec, Manfred Jeitler, Wolfgang Kiesenhofer, Valentin Knünz, Manfred Krammer, Ilse Krätschmer, Dietrich Liko, Ivan Mikulec, Dinyar Rabady, Babak Rahbaran, Herbert Rohringer, Robert Schöfbeck, Josef Strauss, Wolfgang Treberer-Treberspurg, Wolfgang Waltenberger, C-E Wulz, Vladimir Mossolov, Nikolai Shumeiko, Juan Suarez Gonzalez, Sara Alderweireldt, Monika Bansal, Sunil Bansal, Tom Cornelis, Eddi A De Wolf, Xavier Janssen, Albert Knutsson, Jasper Lauwers, Sten Luyckx, Silvia Ochesanu, Romain Rougny, Merijn Van De Klundert, Hans Van Haevermaet, Pierre Van Mechelen, Nick Van Remortel, Alex Van Spilbeeck, Freya Blekman, Stijn Blyweert, Jorgen D’Hondt, Nadir Daci, Natalie Heracleous, James Keaveney, Steven Lowette, Michael Maes, Annik Olbrechts, Quentin Python, Derek Strom, Stefaan Tavernier, W Van Doninck, P Van Mulders, GP Van Onsem, I Villella, C Caillol, B Clerbaux, G De Lentdecker, D Dobur, L Favart, APR Gay, A Grebenyuk, A Leonard, A Mohammadi, L Pernie, A Randle-conde, T Reis, T Seva, L Thomas, C Vander Velde, P Vanlaer, J Wang, F Zenoni, V Adler, K Beernaert, L Benucci, A Cimmino, S Costantini, S Crucy, S Dildick, A Fagot, G Garcia, J Mccartin, AA Ocampo Rios, D Ryckbosch, S Salva Diblen, M Sigamani, N Strobbe, F Thyssen, M Tytgat, E Yazgan, N Zaganidis, S Basegmez, C Beluffi, G Bruno, R Castello, A Caudron, L Ceard, GG Da Silveira, C Delaere, T du Pree, D Favart, L Forthomme, A Giammanco, J Hollar, A Jafari, P Jez, M Komm, V Lemaitre, C Nuttens, D Pagano, L Perrini, A Pin, K Piotrzkowski, A Popov, L Quertenmont, M Selvaggi, M Vidal Marono, JM Vizan Garcia, N Beliy, T Caebergs, E Daubie, GH Hammad, WL Alda Junior, GA Alves, L Brito, M Correa Martins Junior, T Dos Reis Martins, C Mora Herrera, ME Pol, P Rebello Teles, W Carvalho, J Chinellato, A Custodio, EM Da Costa, D De Jesus Damiao, C De Oliveira Martins, S Fonseca De Souza, H Malbouisson, D Matos Figueiredo, L Mundim, H Nogima
Abstract:A search is performed for long-lived particles that decay into final states that include a pair of electrons or a pair of muons. The experimental signature is a distinctive topology consisting of a pair of charged leptons originating from a displaced secondary vertex. Events corresponding to an integrated luminosity of in the electron (muon) channel were collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC in proton-proton collisions at . No significant excess is observed above standard model expectations. Upper limits on the product of the cross section and branching fraction of such a signal are presented as a function of the long-lived particle’s mean proper decay length. The limits are presented in an approximately model-independent way, allowing them to be applied to a wide class of models yielding the above topology. Over much of the investigated parameter space, the limits obtained are the most stringent to …
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