Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in E(+)E(-) Collisions at Root S=181-184 Gev

R Barate,D Decamp,P Ghez,C Goy,S Jezequel,JP Lees,F Martin,E Merle,MN Minard,JY Nief,B Pietrzyk,R Alemany,MP Casado,M Chmeissani,JM Crespo,M Delfino,E Fernandez,M Fernandez-Bosman,L Garrido,E Grauges,A Juste,M Martinez,G Merino,R Miquel,LM Mir,P Morawitz,A Pacheco,IC Park,A Pascual,I Riu,F Sanchez,A Colaleo,D Creanza,M de Palma,G Gelao,G Iaselli,G Maggi,M Maggi,S Nuzzo,A Ranieri,G Raso,F Ruggieri,G Selvaggi,L Silvestris,P Tempesta,A Tricomi,G Zito,X Huang,J Lin,Q Ouyang,T Wang,Y Xie,R Xu,S Xue,J Zhang,L Zhang,W Zhao,D Abbaneo,U Becker,G Boix,M Cattaneo,V Ciulli,G Dissertori,H Drevermann,RW Forty,M Frank,F Gianotti,AW Halley,JB Hansen,J Harvey,P Janot,B Jost,I Lehraus,O Leroy,C Loomis,P Maley,P Mato,A Minten,A Moutoussi,F Ranjard,L Rolandi,D Rousseau,D Schlatter,M Schmitt,O Schneider,W Tejessy,F Teubert,IR Tomalin,E Tournefier,M Vreeswijk,AE Wright,Z Ajaltouni,F Badaud,G Chazelle,O Deschamps,S Dessagne,A Falvard,C Ferdi,P Gay,C Guicheney,P Henrard,J Jousset,B Michel,S Monteil,JC Montret,D Pallin,P Perret,F Podlyski,JD Hansen,JR Hansen,PH Hansen,BS Nilsson,B Rensch,A Waananen,G Daskalakis,A Kyriakis,C Markou,E Simopoulou,A Vayaki,A Blondel,JC Brient,F Machefert,A Rouge,M Swynghedauw,R Tanaka,A Valassi,H Videau,E Focardi,G Parrini,K Zachariadou,R Cavanaugh,M Corden,C Georgiopoulos,A Antonelli,G Bencivenni,G Bologna,F Bossi,P Campana,G Capon,F Cerutti,V Chiarella,P Laurelli,G Mannocchi,F Murtas,GP Murtas,L Passalacqua,M Pepe-Altarelli,M Chalmers,L Curtis,JG Lynch,P Negus,V O'Shea,B Raeven,C Raine,D Smith,P Teixeira-Dias,AS Thompson,JJ Ward,O Buchmuller,S Dhamotharan,C Geweniger,P Hanke,G Hansper,V Hepp,EE Kluge,A Putzer,J Sommer,K Tittel,S Werner,M Wunsch,R Beuselinck,DM Binnie,W Cameron,PJ Dornan,M Girone,S Goodsir,N Marinelli,EB Martin,J Nash,J Nowell,JK Sedgbeer,P Spagnolo,E Thomson,MD Williams,VM Ghete,P Girtler,E Kneringer,D Kuhn,G Rudolph,AP Betteridge,CK Bowdery,PG Buck,P Colrain,G Crawford,G Ellis,AJ Finch,F Foster,G Hughes,RWL Jones,NA Robertson,MI Williams,P van Gemmeren,I Giehl,F Holldorfer,C Hoffmann,K Jakobs,K Kleinknecht,M Krocker,HA Nurnberger,G Quast,B Renk,E Rohne,HG Sander,S Schmeling,H Wachsmuth,C Zeitnitz,T Ziegler,JJ Aubert,C Benchouk,A Bonissent,J Carr,P Coyle,A Ealet,D Fouchez,F Motsch,P Payre,M Talby,M Thulasidas,A Tilquin,M Aleppo,M Antonelli,F Ragusa,R Berlich,V Buscher,H Dietl,G Ganis,K Huttmann,G Lutjens,C Mannert,W Manner,HG Moser,S Schael,R Settles,H Seywerd,H Stenzel,W Wiedenmann,G Wolf,P Azzurri,J Boucrot,O Callot,S Chen,M Davier,L Duflot,JF Grivaz,P Heusse,A Jacholkowska,M Kado,J Lefrancois,L Serin,JJ Veillet,I Videau,JBDV de Regie,D Zerwas,G Bagliesi,S Bettarini,T Boccali,C Bozzi,G Calderini,R Dell'Orso,I Ferrante,A Giassi,A Gregorio,F Ligabue,A Lusiani,PS Marrocchesi,A Messineo,F Palla,G Rizzo,G Sanguinetti,A Sciaba,G Sguazzoni,R Tenchini,C Vannini,A Venturi,PG Verdini,GA Blair,J Coles,G Cowan,MG Green,DE Hutchcroft,LT Jones,T Medcalf,JA Strong,JH von Wimmersperg-Toeller,DR Botterill,RW Clifft,TR Edgecock,PR Norton,JC Thompson,B Bloch-Devaux,P Colas,B Fabbro,G Faif,E Lancon,MC Lemaire,E Locci,P Perez,H Przysiezniak,J Rander,JF Renardy,A Rosowsky,A Trabelsi,B Tuchming,B Vallage,SN Black,JH Dann,HY Kim,N Konstantinidis,AM Litke,MA McNeil,G Taylor,CN Booth,S Cartwright,F Combley,PN Hodgson,MS Kelly,M Lehto,LF Thompson,K Affholderbach,A Bohrer,S Brandt,C Grupen,A Misiejuk,G Prange,U Sieler,G Giannini,B Gobbo,J Putz,J Rothberg,S Wasserbaech,RW Williams,SR Armstrong,E Charles,P Elmer,DPS Ferguson,Y Gao,S Gonzalez,TC Greening,OJ Hayes,H Hu,S Jin,PA McNamara,JM Nachtman,J Nielsen,W Orejudos,YB Pan,Y Saadi,IJ Scott,J Walsh,SL Wu,X Wu,G Zobernig
IF: 4.95
Physics Letters B
Abstract:Data collected at centre-of-mass energies of 181-184 GeV by ALEPH at LEP, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 56.9 pb(-1), are analysed in a search for pair-produced charged Higgs bosons H +/-. Three analyses are employed to select the tau(+)v(tau)tau(-)(v) over bar(tau), c (s) over bar tau(-)(v) over bar(tau)/(c) over bar s tau(+)v(tau) and c (s) over bar s (c) over bar final states. No evidence for a signal is found-Mass limits are set as a function of the branching fraction B(H+ --> tau(+) v(tau)). Under the assumption that the decay modes considered cover the totality of the possible final states, charged Higgs bosons with masses below 59 GeV/c(2) are excluded at 95% C.L. independently of B(H+ --> tau(+)v(tau)). (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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