Flipping Non-Crossing Spanning Trees
Håvard Bakke Bjerkevik,Linda Kleist,Torsten Ueckerdt,Birgit Vogtenhuber
Abstract:For a set $P$ of $n$ points in general position in the plane, the flip graph $F(P)$ has a vertex for each non-crossing spanning tree on $P$ and an edge between any two spanning trees that can be transformed into each other by one edge flip. The diameter ${\rm diam}(F(P))$ of this graph is subject of intensive study. For points in general position, it is between $3n/2-5$ and $2n-4$, with no improvement for 25 years. For points in convex position, it lies between $3n/2 - 5$ and $\approx1.95n$, where the lower bound was conjectured to be tight up to an additive constant and the upper bound is a recent breakthrough improvement over several bounds of the form $2n-o(n)$.
In this work, we provide new upper and lower bounds on ${\rm diam}(F(P))$, mainly focusing on points in convex position. We show $14n/9 - O(1) \le {\rm diam}(F(P)) \le 5n/3 - 3$, by this disproving the conjectured upper bound of $3n/2$ for convex position, and relevantly improving both the long-standing lower bound for general position and the recent new upper bound for convex position. We complement these by showing that if one of $T,T'$ has at most two boundary edges, then ${\rm dist}(T,T') \le 2d/2 < 3n/2$, where $d = |T-T'|$ is the number of edges in one tree that are not in the other.
To prove both the upper and the lower bound, we introduce a new powerful tool. Specifically, we convert the flip distance problem for given $T,T'$ to the problem of a largest acyclic subset in an associated conflict graph $H(T,T')$. In fact, this method is powerful enough to give an equivalent formulation of the diameter of $F(P)$ for points $P$ in convex position up to lower-order terms. As such, conflict graphs are likely the key to a complete resolution of this and possibly also other reconfiguration problems.
Computational Geometry,Discrete Mathematics,Combinatorics