Modular forms of weight one: Galois representations and dimension

Denis Trotabas
Abstract:The present notes are the expanded and polished version of three lectures given in Stanford, concerning the analytic and arithmetic properties of weight one modular forms. The author tried to write them in a style accessible to non-analytically oriented number theoritists: in particular, some effort is made to be precise on statements involving uniformity in the parameters. On the other hand, another purpose was to provide an introduction, together with a set of references, consciously kept small, to the realm of Galois representations, for non-algebraists -- like the author. The proofs are sketched, at best, but we tried to motivate the results, and to relate them to interesting conjectures.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to explore the analytic and arithmetic properties of weight one modular forms, especially their relationship with Galois representations. Specifically, the paper focuses on the following aspects: 1. **Dimension of the space of weight - one modular forms**: The paper explores the problem of estimating the dimension of the modular form space when the weight \(k = 1\). For \(k>2\), there are already formulas to calculate the dimensions of these spaces, but for \(k = 1\), the situation is more complicated. The paper attempts to understand the dimension of the space of these forms through heuristic methods and specific constructions. 2. **Relationship between modular forms and Galois representations**: The paper discusses how to connect weight - one modular forms with two - dimensional complex Galois representations. In particular, the paper proves the Deligne - Serre theorem, that is, for every weight - one cusp form \(f\), there corresponds an irreducible complex Galois representation \(\rho_f\), and at good primes, the corresponding L - functions are equal. 3. **Verification of the Ramanujan conjecture**: The paper proves that for a weight - one cusp form \(f\), its Hecke eigenvalue \(a_p(f)\) satisfies the Ramanujan conjecture, that is, \(|a_p(f)|\leq2\). This further extends to the case of weight one on the basis of Deligne's proof for higher - weight modular forms. 4. **Rationality properties of modular forms**: The paper also studies the rationality properties of modular forms, especially the algebraic integrality of eigenvalues and the properties of the number fields they generate. 5. **Large sieve inequality and its applications**: The paper introduces the large sieve inequality, which is an important tool for dealing with Fourier coefficients of modular forms, and discusses its application in estimating the dimension of the space of weight - one modular forms. ### Formula summary - **Definition of modular forms**: - For any holomorphic function \(f\) and \(\gamma\in\Gamma_0(q)\), define: \[ f|_\gamma(z)=\chi(\gamma)^{-1}(cz + d)^{-k}f(\gamma(z)) \] - The space of modular forms of weight \(k\), level \(q\) and Nebentypus \(\chi\) consists of holomorphic functions that satisfy the following conditions: \[ (M1):\forall\gamma\in\Gamma_0(q),\quad f|_\gamma = f \] \[ (M2):\forall\sigma\in SL(2,\mathbb{Z}),\quad c_n(f,\sigma)=0\text{ for all negative }n \] - **Hecke operators**: - For good primes \(p\): \[ T_p(f)(z)=\sum_{n}c_{pn}(f)e(nz)+\chi(p)p^{k - 1}\sum_{n}c_n(f)e(pnz) \] - For bad primes \(p\): \[ T_p(f)(z)=\sum_{n}c_{pn}(f)e(nz) \] - **Deligne - Serre theorem**: - For a weight - one cusp form \(f\), there exists a unique irreducible complex Galois representation \(\rho_f:G_\mathbb{Q}\to GL(2,\mathbb{C})\) such that at good primes \(p\): \[ L(s,\rho_p)=L(s,f_p) \]