Transformation of Stochastic Recursions and Critical Phenomena in the Analysis of a Class of Mean Flow Equations
Radu Dascaliuc,Tuan N. Pham,Enrique Thomann,Edward C. Waymire
Abstract:This paper investigates, via methods from the theory of probability on trees, critical phenomena in stochastic cascade models of Yule type, and applies these methods to the problem of uniqueness and nonuniqueness of solutions of particular mean flow equations. For linear equations, Feller's classic discovery of the relationship between critical stochastic explosion phenomena for Markov processes and uniqueness and nonuniqueness of solutions to the associated Kolmogorov equation partly illustrates the spirit of the present paper. New methods are introduced to explore the effects that stochastic critical phenomena, such as stochastic explosion, hyperexplosion, t-leaf percolation, have on their corresponding mean flow equations. These methods are illustrated in the context of two non-local differential equations that are related by linearization, the pantograph and the $\alpha$-Riccati equations. In particular, stochastic recursions, stochastic Picard iterations and transformation of solutions processes associated with these equations, are used to establish a `one-to-many principle' for their solutions. The development also includes an application of Feller's classical theory of jump Markov processes to a certain class of pantograph equations that appears to be new.
Probability,Analysis of PDEs