First Principles calculations of the EFG tensors of Ba$_2$NaOsO$_6$, a Mott insulator with strong spin orbit coupling
Rong Cong,Ravindra Nanguneri,Brenda M. Rubenstein,V. F. Mitrovic
Abstract:We present first principles calculations of the electrostatic properties of Ba$_2$NaOsO$_6$ (BNOO), a 5$d^1$ Mott insulator with strong spin orbit coupling (SOC) in its low temperature quantum phases. In light of recent NMR experiments showing that BNOO develops a local octahedral distortion that is accompanied by the emergence of an electric field gradient (EFG) and precedes the formation of long range magnetic order [Lu et al., Nature Comm. 8, 14407 (2017), Liu et al., Phys. Rev. B. 97, 224103 (2018), Liu et al., Physica B. 536, 863 (2018)], we calculated BNOO's EFG tensor for several different model distortions. The local orthorhombic distortion that we identified as mostly strongly agreeing with experiment corresponds to a Q2 distortion mode of the Na-O octahedra, in agreement with conclusions given in [Liu et al., Phys. Rev. B. 97, 224103 (2018)]. Furthermore, we found that the EFG is insensitive to the type of underlying magnetic order. By combining NMR results with first principles modeling, we have thus forged a more complete understanding of BNOO's structural and magnetic properties, which could not be achieved based upon experiment or theory alone.
Strongly Correlated Electrons,Materials Science,Other Condensed Matter