Universality for Random Matrices
Simona Diaconu
Abstract:Traces of large powers of real-valued Wigner matrices are known to have Gaussian fluctuations: for $A=\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}(a_{ij})_{1 \leq i,j \leq n}\in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}, A=A^T$ with $(a_{ij})_{1 \leq i \leq j \leq n}$ i.i.d., symmetric, subgaussian, $\mathbb{E}[a^{2}_{11}]=1,$ and $p=o(n^{2/3}),$ as $n,p \to \infty,$ $\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2^{p}}(tr(A^p)-\mathbb{E}[tr(A^p)]) \Rightarrow N(0,1).$ This work shows the entries of $A^{2p},$ properly scaled, also have normal limiting laws when $n \to \infty, p=n^{o(1)}:$ some normalizations depend on $\mathbb{E}[a_{11}^4],$ contributions that become negligible as $p \to \infty,$ whereas the behavior of the diagonal entries of $A^{2p+1}$ depends substantially on all the moments of $a_{11}$ when $p$ is bounded or the moments of $a_{11}$ grow relatively fast compared to it. This result demonstrates large powers of Wigner matrices are roughly Wigner matrices with normal entries when $a_{11} \overset{d}{=} -a_{11},\mathbb{E}[a^{2}_{11}]=1, \mathbb{E}[|a_{11}|^{8+\epsilon_0}] \leq C(\epsilon_0),$ providing another perspective on eigenvector universality, which until now has been justified exclusively using local laws. The last part of this paper finds the first-order terms of traces of Wishart matrices in the random matrix theory regime, rendering yet another connection between Wigner and Wishart ensembles as well as an avenue to extend the results herein for the former to the latter. The primary tools employed are the method of moments and a simple identity the Catalan numbers satisfy.