Prime Power and Prime Product Distance Graphs
Joshua D. Laison,Yumi Li,Jeffrey Schreiner-McGraw,Colin Starr
Abstract:A graph $G$ is a $k$-prime product distance graph if its vertices can be labeled with distinct integers such that for any two adjacent vertices, the difference of their labels is the product of at most $k$ primes. A graph has prime product number $ppn(G)=k$ if it is a $k$-prime product graph but not a $(k-1)$-prime product graph. Similarly, $G$ is a prime $k$th-power graph (respectively, strict prime $k$th-power graph) if its vertices can be labeled with distinct integers such that for any two adjacent vertices, the difference of their labels is the $j$th power of a prime, for $j \leq k$ (respectively, the $k$th power of a prime exactly).
We prove that $ppn(K_n) = \lceil \log_2(n)\rceil - 1$, and for a nonempty $k$-chromatic graph $G$, $ppn(G) = \lceil \log_2(k)\rceil - 1$ or $ppn(G) = \lceil \log_2(k)\rceil$. We determine $ppn(G)$ for all complete bipartite, 3-partite, and 4-partite graphs. We prove that $K_n$ is a prime $k$th-power graph if and only if $n < 7$, and we determine conditions on cycles and outerplanar graphs $G$ for which $G$ is a strict prime $k$th-power graph.
We find connections between prime product and prime power distance graphs and the Twin Prime Conjecture, the Green-Tao Theorem, and Fermat's Last Theorem.