Modelling stochastic fluctuations in relativistic kinetic theory
Gabriel Soares Rocha,Lorenzo Gavassino,Nicki Mullins
Abstract:Using the information current, we develop a Lorentz-covariant framework for modeling equilibrium fluctuations in relativistic kinetic theory in the grand-canonical ensemble. The resulting stochastic theory is proven to be causal and covariantly stable, and its predictions do not depend on the choice of spacetime foliation used to define the grand-canonical probabilities. As expected, in a box containing $N{>}5$ particles, Boltzmann's molecular chaos postulate is broken with (almost exact) probability $N^{-1/2}$, leading to a breakdown of the Boltzmann equation in small systems. We also verify that, in ultrarelativistic gases, transient hydrodynamics already accounts for at least 80% of the equilibrium fluctuations of the stress-energy tensor at a given time. Finally, we compute the correlators at non-equal times for two selected collision kernels: That of a chemically active diluted solution, and that of ultrarelativistic scalar particles self-interacting via a quartic potential. For the former, we compute the density-density correlators analytically in real space, and dehydrodynamization of the stochastic theory is proven to occur whenever the mean free path diverges at high energy.
Nuclear Theory