Packing-type Measures of the Sample Paths of Fractional Brownian Motion
Zhen-long Chen,San-yang Liu,Ci-wen Xu
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica
Abstract:Let Λ = λ k be an infinite increasing sequence of positive integers with λ k →∞. Let X = X ( t ), t ∈¸ R N be a multi-parameter fractional Brownian motion of index α (0 < α < 1) in R d . Subject to certain hypotheses, we prove that if N < αd , then there exist positive finite constants K 1 and K 2 such that, with unit probability, K_1⩽φ - p ∧( X( [ 0,1])^N)⩽φ - p ∧( GrX( [ 0,1]^N))⩽ K_2 if and only if there exists γ > 0 such that ∑_k = 1^∞1/λ ^γ_k = ∞ , where ϕ( s ) = s N/α (log log 1/ s ) N /(2 α ) , ϕ- p Λ ( E ) is the Packing-type measure of E,X ([0, 1]) N is the image and GrX ([0, 1] N ) = ( t,X ( t )); ∈ ¸ [0, 1] N is the graph of X , respectively. We also establish liminf type laws of the iterated logarithm for the sojourn measure of X .