Tevatron-for-LHC Report: Top and Electroweak Physics
: C. E. Gerber,P. Murat,T. M. P. Tait,D. Wackeroth,A. Arbuzov,D. Bardin,U. Baur,J. A. Benitez,S. Berge,S. Bondarenko,E. E. Boos,M. T. Bowen,R. Brock,V. E. Bunichev,J. Campbell,F. Canelli,Q.-H. Cao,C. M. Carloni Calame,F. Chevallier,P. Christova,C. Ciobanu,S. Dittmaier,L. V. Dudko,S. D. Ellis,A. I. Etienvre,F. Fiedler,A. Garcia-Bellido,A. Giammanco,D. Glenzinski,P. Golonka,C. Hays,S. Jadach,S. Jain,L. Kalinovskaya,M. Kramer,A. Lleres,J. Luck,A. Lucotte,A. Markina,G. Montagna,P. M. Nadolsky,O. Nicrosini,F. I. Olness,W. Placzek,R. Sadykov,V. I. Savrin,R. Schwienhorst,A. V. Sherstnev,S. Slabospitsky,B. Stelzer,M. J. Strassler,Z. Sullivan,F. Tramontano,A. Vicini,W. Wagner,Z. Was,G. Watts,M. Weber,S. Willenbrock,U. K. Yang,C. P. Yuan,J. Zhu
Abstract:The top quark and electroweak bosons (W and Z) represent the most massive
fundamental particles yet discovered, and as such refer directly to the
Standard Model's greatest remaining mystery: the mechanism by which all
particles gained mass. This report summarizes the work done within the top-ew
group of the Tevatron-for-LHC workshop. It represents a collection of both
Tevatron results, and LHC predictions. The hope is that by considering and
comparing both machines, the LHC program can be improved and aided by knowledge
from the Tevatron, and that particle physics as a whole can be enriched. The
report includes measurements of the top quark mass, searches for single top
quark production, and physics of the electroweak bosons at hadron colliders.