Statistical Deformation Model: Theory and Methods
Xiahai Zhuang,Yipeng Hu
Abstract:Modeling ubiquitous physical deformation of organs and other anatomical structures lies at the heart of a vast range of medical imaging applications. Often, clinicians need to know where and how things move and change in order to provide accurate diagnosis and/or to deliver precise treatment. Statistical approaches provide a powerful means to analyze, describe and predict the deformation so it can be modeled and usually better understood. This is carrying growing significance as recent advance in medical image acquisition and collection has presented a unique opportunity to generate training data for statistical analysis and, therefore, effectively contribute to human knowledge base, coining the modern evidence-based medicine. Statistical deformation models are referred to statistical models for making description or inference, corresponding to two main statistical methodologies, of physical (spatial and/or temporal) changes in anatomy and function. However, this common definition neither provides guidance nor imposes restriction on what underlying mathematical forms to model the actual change. In this chapter, we examine the different categories of the basic-level models that have been used in higher-level statistical modeling. The first group is general-purpose parametric models. They either approximate smooth changes in virtually anything spatially defined, from global thin-plate spline to locally controlled model such as the B-spline based free-form deformation and locally affine transformation, or taking advantages in the representation itself, such as the conceptually intuitive point distribution model. The second group, biophysics-based deformation, directly model the biological and physical process of interest, such as organ motion, tumor growth and tissue resection. They usually are more complicated to derive and computationally expensive but tend to provide better modeling ability – easier to fit (inferential) and more accurate to predict (descriptive). If one considers a statistical deformation model as a basic-level model, it is important to distinguish different population of deformation assumed in the modeling process. For instance, a statistical deformation model describing a population of certain organ motion across different patients (i.e. cross-subject) may be derived from models describing subject-specific deformation (each built for one patient), or vise versa. We extend this chapter with two real-world applications based on published methods in Chapter 11, Applications of Statistical Deformation Model. These are chosen to represent practical and reproducible solutions for modeling statistical deformation.