Abstract:Measurements of the two dimensional angular correlation of the electron-positron annihilation radiation have been done in the past to detect the momentum spin density and the Fermi surface. We point out that the momentum spin density and the Fermi Surface of ferromagnetic metals can be revealed within great detail owing to the large cancellation of the electron-positron matrix elements which in paramagnetic multiatomic systems plague the interpretation of the experiments. We prove our conjecture by calculating the momentum spin density and the Fermi surface of the half metal CrO2, who has received large attention due to its possible applications as spintronics material.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: when using electron - positron annihilation radiation (2D - ACAR) to measure the spin - polarized momentum density, how to eliminate the interference of detector effects (such as non - uniform positron density and electron - positron Coulomb interaction) on the experimental results, so as to more accurately reveal the Fermi surface (FS) and momentum - spin density of ferromagnetic metals.
Specifically, the author points out that in multi - atomic paramagnetic systems, these detector effects can seriously interfere with the interpretation of experimental data. However, in ferromagnetic samples, due to the significant cancellation of electron - positron matrix elements, this interference can be greatly reduced, so that the spin - polarized momentum density can be faithfully represented and the interpretation of experimental data can be more explicit.
To verify this conjecture, the author selected CrO₂ as the research object. CrO₂ has attracted much attention because of its half - metallic properties and potential spintronics applications. By calculating the momentum - spin density and Fermi surface of CrO₂, the author proved that in ferromagnetic samples, detector effects can be effectively eliminated, so that the details of the Fermi surface can be clearly shown.
### Main Formulas
1. **LCW Density Formula**:
\rho_{\text{ep}}^{\text{LCW}}(k)=\sum_{n} \theta\left(E_{F}-\epsilon_{k, n}\right) \int\left|\psi_{n, k}(r)\right|^{2}|\phi(r)|^{2} g(r) d r
where \(\psi_{n, k}\) and \(\phi\) represent the wave functions of electrons and positrons respectively, \(E_{F}\) is the Fermi level, \(\epsilon_{k, n}\) is the energy eigenvalue of electrons, and \(g(r)\) is a factor that describes the enhancement of electron density at the positron position.
2. **Spectrum Measured by 2D - ACAR**:
\rho_{\text{ep}}^{\text{par,antipar}}(p)=\frac{1}{2}(1 \pm P_{e^{+}})\left[N_{M}(p)+\frac{N_{NM}(p)}{2}\right]+\frac{1}{2}(1 \mp P_{e^{+}})\left[N_{m}(p)+\frac{N_{NM}(p)}{2}\right]
where \(N_{NM}\) represents the contribution from spin - degenerate (i.e., non - magnetic) bands, and \(P_{e^{+}}\) is the polarization degree of positrons.
3. **Net Momentum - Spin Density**:
Through these formulas, the author shows that in ferromagnetic samples, the relevant contributions of non - magnetic bands and positron wave function effects can be effectively eliminated, so that the topological structure of the Fermi surface can be clearly presented.