On the Representation of Non-Holonomic Power Series
Bertrand Teguia Tabuguia,Wolfram Koepf
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5206/mt.v2i1.14315
Maple Transactions
Abstract:Holonomic functions play an essential role in Computer Algebra since they allow the application of many symbolic algorithms. Among all algorithmic attempts to find formulas for power series, the holonomic property remains the most important requirement to be satisfied by the function under consideration. The targeted functions mainly summarize that of meromorphic functions. However, expressions like tan(z), z/(exp(z)-1), sec(z), etc. are not holonomic, therefore their power series are inaccessible by non-pattern matching implementations like the current Maple convert/FormalPowerSeries up to Maple 2021. From the mathematical dictionaries, one can observe that most of the known closed-form formulas of non-holonomic power series involve another sequence whose evaluation depends on some finite summations. In the case of tan(z) and sec(z) the corresponding sequences are the Bernoulli and Euler numbers, respectively. Thus providing a symbolic approach that yields complete representations when linear summations for power series coefficients of non-holonomic functions appear, might be seen as a step forward towards the representation of non-holonomic power series.
By adapting the method of ansatz with undetermined coefficients, we build an algorithm that computes least-order quadratic differential equations with polynomial coefficients for a large class of non-holonomic functions. A differential equation resulting from this procedure is converted into a recurrence equation by applying the Cauchy product formula and rewriting powers into polynomials and derivatives into shifts. Finally, using enough initial values we are able to give normal form representations (Geddes et al. 1992) to characterize several non-holonomic power series. As a consequence of the defined normal relation, it turns out that our algorithm is able to detect identities between non-holonomic functions that were not accessible in the past. We discuss this algorithm and its implementation for Maple 2022.
Our Maple and Maxima implementations are available under the FPS software which can be downloaded at http://www.mathematik.uni-kassel.de/~bteguia/FPS_webpage/FPS.htm.