Landau-Zener tunneling in the presence of weak intermolecular interactions in a crystal of Mn4 single-molecule magnets

W. Wernsdorfer,S. Bhaduri,A. Vinslava,G. Christou
Abstract:A Mn4 single-molecule magnet (SMM), with a well isolated spin ground state of S = 9/2, is used as a model system to study Landau-Zener (LZ) tunneling in the presence of weak intermolecular dipolar and exchange interactions. The anisotropy constants D and B are measured with minor hysteresis loops. A transverse field is used to tune the tunnel splitting over a large range. Using the LZ and inverse LZ method, it is shown that these interactions play an important role in the tunnel rates. Three regions are identified: (i) at small transverse fields, tunneling is dominated by single tunnel transitions; (ii) at intermediate transverse fields, the measured tunnel rates are governed by reshuffling of internal fields, (iii) at larger transverse fields, the magnetization reversal starts to be influenced by the direct relaxation process, and many-body tunnel events may occur. The hole digging method is used to study the next-nearest neighbor interactions. At small external fields, it is shown that magnetic ordering occurs which does not quench tunneling. An applied transverse field can increase the ordering rate. Spin-spin cross-relaxations, mediated by dipolar and weak exchange interactions, are proposed to explain additional quantum steps.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study the Landau - Zener tunneling phenomenon in Mn₄ single - molecule magnets (SMMs) in the presence of weak intermolecular interactions. Specifically, the authors use Mn₄ with a well - defined spin ground state \( S=\frac{9}{2} \) as a model system to explore the changes in the Landau - Zener tunneling process in the presence of weak intermolecular dipole and exchange interactions. ### Main problem decomposition: 1. **Research background**: - Landau - Zener tunneling refers to the probability of a system transitioning from one energy level to another when an external parameter (such as a magnetic field) changes in a two - level system. This phenomenon has been widely applied in spin tunneling in nanoparticles and molecular clusters. - Single - molecule magnets (SMMs), due to their well - defined structures and magnetic anisotropy, are ideal systems for observing quantum phenomena such as Landau - Zener tunneling. 2. **Research motivation**: - Previous studies usually assumed that intermolecular interactions could be neglected. However, recent research has shown that these weak intermolecular interactions have a significant impact on the tunneling process. - The authors hope to verify the specific effects of these weak interactions under different applied transverse magnetic fields through this study and explore their impact on the tunneling rate. 3. **Research method**: - Use the standard and inverse Landau - Zener methods to study the tunneling rate by applying a transverse magnetic field to tune the tunneling splitting. - Identify three different regions: dominated by single - tunneling transitions at small transverse magnetic fields; dominated by internal - field rearrangement at medium transverse magnetic fields; and dominated by direct relaxation processes and many - body tunneling events at large transverse magnetic fields. 4. **Experimental results and conclusions**: - Through experimental measurements and theoretical calculations, the important influence of intermolecular interactions (especially weak exchange interactions) on the tunneling process has been confirmed. - Three different tunneling behavior regions have been discovered, and a spin - spin cross - relaxation mechanism has been proposed to explain the additional quantum step phenomenon. ### Formula summary: - **Landau - Zener tunneling probability formula**: \[ P_{m,m'}=1 - \exp\left(-\frac{\pi \Delta^2_{m,m'}}{2 \hbar g \mu_B |m - m'| \mu_0 \frac{dH_z}{dt}}\right) \] where \( \Delta_{m,m'} \) is the tunneling splitting, \( dH_z/dt \) is the longitudinal magnetic field scanning rate, \( \hbar \) is the reduced Planck constant, \( g\approx2 \), \( \mu_B \) is the Bohr magneton. - **Formulas for determining the anisotropy constants D and B**: \[ D = g \mu_B \mu_0 \left( \frac{H^{(1)}_z - 2S^2 - 2S + 1}{2S - 3} \left( H^{(1)}_z - H^{(2)}_z \right) \right) \] \[ D = g \mu_B \mu_0 \left( \frac{H^{(1)}_z - H^{(2)}_z}{2(2S - 3)} \right) \] Through the above research, the authors not only verified the importance of weak intermolecular interactions in the Landau - Zener tunneling process but also provided new insights for further understanding the quantum tunneling phenomenon in single - molecule magnets.