An X-ray flaring event and a variable soft X-ray excess in the Seyfert LCRS B040659.9-385922 as detected with eROSITA
S. Krishnan,A.G. Markowitz,M. Krumpe,D. Homan,R. Brogan,S. Haemmerich,M. Gromadzki,T. Saha,M. Schramm,D.E. Reichart,H. Winkler,S. Waddell,J. Wilms,A. Rau,Z. Liu,I. Grotova
Abstract:Extreme continuum variability in AGNs can indicate extreme changes in accretion flows onto supermassive black holes. We explore the multiwavelength nature of a continuum flare in the Seyfert LCRS B040659.9$-$385922. The all-sky X-ray surveys conducted by the eROSITA showed that its X-ray flux increased by a factor of roughly five over six months, and concurrent optical photometric monitoring with the ATLAS showed a simultaneous increase. We triggered a multiwavelength follow-up monitoring program (XMM, NICER; optical spectroscopy) to study the evolution of the accretion disk, broad-line region, and X-ray corona. During the campaign, X-ray and optical continuum flux subsided over roughly six months. We detected a soft X-ray excess near the flare peak and after it subsided, both exhibiting a power-law (nonthermal) behavior. We modeled the broadband optical/UV/X-ray spectral energy distribution at both the flare peak and post-flare times with the AGNSED model, incorporating thermal disk emission into the optical/UV and warm thermal Comptonization in the soft X-rays. Additionally, we find that the broad Heii $\lambda$4686 emission line fades significantly as the optical/UV/X-ray continuum fades, which could indicate a substantial flare of disk emission above 54 eV. We also observed a redshifted broad component in the H${\beta}$ emission line that is present during the high flux state of the source and disappears in subsequent observations. We witnessed a likely sudden strong increase in local accretion rate, which manifested itself via an increase in accretion disk emission and thermal Comptonization emission in the soft X-rays, followed by a decrease in accretion and Comptonized luminosity. The physical processes leading to such substantial variations are still an open question, and future continuous monitoring along with multi-wavelength studies will shed some light on it.
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena