Visualizing proper-time in Special Relativity

Roberto B. Salgado
Abstract:We present a new visualization of the proper-time elapsed along an observer's worldline. By supplementing worldlines with light clocks, the measurement of space-time intervals is reduced to the "counting of ticks." The resulting space-time diagrams are pedagogically attractive because they emphasize the relativistic view that "time is what is measured by an observer's clock."
Physics Education
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### What problems does this paper attempt to solve? This paper aims to study the dynamic behavior of atomic magnetic moments in spin - polarized point contacts under current - driven conditions. Specifically, the authors developed a new method to explore the realignment of magnetic moments in magnetic point contacts under the action of bias voltage. The following are the main objectives and problems of this study: 1. **Combining electron transport and magnetic moment dynamics**: - Research on how to use the non - equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) method to calculate current and charge density and describe magnetization dynamics. - Use the quasi - static thermally activated hopping model to study the transitions between different steady - state magnetic configurations. 2. **Exploring magnetic domain wall migration**: - Study the domain wall (DW) migration phenomenon of a single - atom magnetic chain sandwiched between magnetic leads. - By changing the model parameters, identify different steady - state magnetic configurations and their corresponding current characteristics. 3. **Evaluating activation energy barriers**: - Calculate the activation energy barriers between different magnetic configurations to determine the stability of the system at room temperature and the possible random telegraph noise (RTN). 4. **Verifying conservatism**: - Examine whether the torque caused by the current is a conservative torque, especially in an open - boundary non - equilibrium system. 5. **Understanding the influence of geometry and bias voltage**: - Explore the influence of the geometric structure details of point contacts and bias voltage on the stability of magnetic configurations and activation energy barriers. ### Formula summary - **Hamiltonian**: \[ H(\{\phi\}) = H_e+V_{es}(\{\phi\}) \] where \( H_e \) is the free - electron Hamiltonian and \( V_{es}(\{\phi\}) \) is the interaction potential between electrons and local magnetic moments. - **Torque formula**: \[ T = -\langle\Psi|\frac{\partial H(\{\phi\})}{\partial\phi}|\Psi\rangle \] where \( |\Psi\rangle \) is the state vector of the electron system. - **Work energy**: \[ W = -\int_{\Phi_{\text{initial}}}^{\Phi_{\text{final}}} T_jd\phi_j \] \[ W(\Phi_j) = -\int_{\Phi_{\text{initial}}}^{\Phi_j} T_jd\phi_j \] - **Non - equilibrium Green's function**: \[ G(E)=\lim_{\zeta\rightarrow0^+}[(E + i\zeta)I - H_C-\Sigma_L-\Sigma_R]^{-1} \] \[ \rho=\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dE\left(n_L(E)\eta_LF(E)+n_R(E)\eta_RF(E)\right) \] - **Current formula**: \[ I(V)=\frac{e}{h}\sum_\sigma\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dE\left(\eta_LF(E)-\eta_RF(E)\right)\text{Tr}\left(\Gamma_L(E)G^\dagger\Gamma_R(E)G(E)\right)_{(\sigma)} \] Through these methods and formulas, the authors can analyze in detail the dynamic behavior of magnetic moments in magnetic point contacts and their interaction with electron transport.