Abstract:Korn's inequality plays an important role in linear elasticity theory. This inequality bounds the norm of the derivatives of the displacement vector by the norm of the linearized strain tensor. The kernel of the linearized strain tensor are the infinitesimal rigid-body translations and rotations (Killing vectors). We generalize this inequality by replacing the linearized strain tensor by its trace free part. That is, we obtain a stronger inequality in which the kernel of the relevant operator are the conformal Killing vectors. The new inequality has applications in General Relativity.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to generalize the Korn inequality so that it can be applied to a wider range of physical and mathematical problems, especially in the application in general relativity.
### Specific problem description
1. **Limitations of the traditional Korn inequality**:
- The Korn inequality plays an important role in elasticity. It relates the norm of the derivative of the displacement vector to the norm of the linear strain tensor.
- The kernel of the linear strain tensor (i.e., its null space) corresponds to rigid - body translations and rotations (Killing vectors), and these transformations do not change the shape of the object.
- The dimension of the kernel of the traditional Korn inequality is \( \frac{n(n + 1)}{2} \), where \( n \) is the spatial dimension.
2. **Objectives of generalization**:
- The author of the paper hopes to replace the linear strain tensor with the trace - free part of the linear strain tensor, thereby obtaining a stronger inequality.
- The kernel of the new inequality will be conformal Killing vectors, including rigid - body translations, rotations, dilations, and special conformal transformations. For \( n\geq3 \), the new kernel dimension is \( \frac{(n + 1)(n + 2)}{2} \).
### Generalized inequality and its significance
- **Form of the new inequality**:
\| u \|_{H^1(\Omega)}^2\leq C\int_{\Omega}(u_i u_i + l_{ij}(u)l_{ij}(u))d\mu
where \( l_{ij}(u)=e_{ij}(u)-\frac{1}{n}e(u)\delta_{ij} \), \( e_{ij}(u)=\frac{1}{2}(\partial_i u_j+\partial_j u_i) \), \( e(u)=\delta_{ij}e_{ij}(u)=\partial_i u_i \).
- **Application areas**:
- **General relativity**: In the Cauchy problem of general relativity, the initial data need to satisfy the constraint equations. One of the constraint equations (momentum constraint) can be solved through a variational problem, and the energy form is similar to the elastic energy, but the trace - free strain tensor \( l_{ij} \) is used instead of the linear strain tensor \( e_{ij} \).
- **Elasticity**: Although in elasticity, this generalization has no direct physical meaning (because no elastic material has a zero - volume modulus), in general relativity, the constraint equations are conformally invariant, so the appearance of \( l_{ij} \) is reasonable.
### Conclusion
By introducing the trace - free strain tensor \( l_{ij} \), the paper successfully generalizes the Korn inequality, making the inequality applicable to a wider range of physical backgrounds, especially in solving the constraint equations in general relativity. This generalization not only broadens the scope of application of the inequality but also provides new tools and methods for research in related fields.