Abstract:By studying the reciprocity property of linear Diophantine systems in light of Malcev-Neumann series, we present in this paper a new approach to and a generalization of Stanley's monster reciprocity theorem. A formula for the "error term" is given in the case when the system does not have the reciprocity property. We also give a short proof of Stanley's reciprocity theorem for linear homogeneous Diophantine systems.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is about the reciprocity property of Linear Diophantine Systems. Specifically, by introducing the concept of Malcev - Neumann series, the author proposes a new method to study and generalize Stanley's "Monster Reciprocity Theorem". This generalization aims to provide a more general method to deal with the reciprocity property of linear Diophantine systems and, in some cases, give the formula for the error term.
### Problem Background
A linear Diophantine system refers to a system of equations of the form \(A\alpha = b\), where \(A\) is an \(r\times n\) integer matrix, \(b\) is an \(r\)-dimensional vector, and \(\alpha\) is an \(n\)-dimensional non - negative integer vector. Such problems have wide applications in combinatorial mathematics. For example, the solution space of solving homogeneous linear Diophantine equations can be represented as a rational cone.
### Main Contributions
1. **New Method**: The author uses Malcev - Neumann series to reformulate the reciprocity property of linear Diophantine systems. This method makes the study of Elliott - rational functions simpler.
2. **Generalized Theorem**: The author proposes a more general reciprocity theorem (Theorem 3.8), which is applicable to Elliott - rational functions and can be used to derive Stanley's Monster Reciprocity Theorem.
3. **Error Term Formula**: When the system does not have the reciprocity property, a specific formula for the error term is given.
4. **Brief Proof**: The author provides a brief proof to verify Stanley's reciprocity theorem (Theorem 1.1) for homogeneous linear Diophantine systems.
### Key Technical Points
- **Malcev - Neumann Series**: This is a special power series that allows for the unified treatment of different expansion forms of rational functions.
- **Elliott - Rational Functions**: These functions can be written as \(F(\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_r,x)=\frac{p(\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_r,x)}{\prod_{i = 1}^m(y_i - z_i)}\), where \(p\) is a polynomial, and \(y_i\) and \(z_i\) are monomials.
- **Reciprocity Property**: If two generating functions \(E(x;b)\) and \(\bar{E}(x;b)\) satisfy \(E(x;b)=(- 1)^{n - r}\bar{E}(x^{-1};b)\), then the system is said to have the reciprocity property.
Through these techniques and methods, the author not only generalizes Stanley's Monster Reciprocity Theorem but also provides a more concise and general framework to study the reciprocity property of linear Diophantine systems.