Meromorphic continuation of Multivariable Euler product and application

Gautami Bhowmik,Driss Essouabri,Ben Lichtin
Abstract:This article extends classical one variable results about Euler products defined by integral valued polynomial or analytic functions to several variables. We show there exists a meromorphic continuation up to a presumed natural boundary, and also give a criterion, a la Estermann-Dahlquist, for the existence of a meromorphic extension to $\C^n.$ Among applications we deduce analytic properties of height zeta functions for toric varieties over $\Q$ and group zeta functions.
Number Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problems that this paper attempts to solve mainly focus on the analytic properties of multivariate Euler products, especially on the analytic continuation of these products in the complex plane and the existence of their natural boundaries. Specifically, the main objectives of the paper can be summarized as follows: 1. **Existence of Analytic Continuation**: The paper first explores how to analytically continue a class of multivariate Euler products from their domains of absolute convergence to larger regions. Such Euler products are usually defined by polynomials or analytic functions and are absolutely convergent within certain open domains. The author proves that these Euler products can be analytically continued within a hypothesized natural boundary. 2. **Determination of the Natural Boundary**: After assuming the existence of analytic continuation, the paper further investigates the specific form of the natural boundary of this analytic continuation. The natural boundary refers to the boundary beyond which an analytic function cannot be further continued. For Dirichlet series of one variable, Esterman and Dahlquist have already given relevant results. Based on this, the paper extends these results to the multivariate case and gives the conditions for the existence of the natural boundary of multivariate Euler products. 3. **Applications**: The paper also discusses the applications of these theoretical results in multiple fields, including algebraic geometry, group theory, number theory, etc. In particular, the paper mentions two main applications: - **Manin Conjecture**: For the distribution density of rational points on certain algebraic varieties, the Manin Conjecture gives an accurate description. The paper uses the analytic properties of multivariate Euler products to further study the analytic continuation of these height functions and their natural boundaries. - **Group Zeta - function**: For certain algebraic groups or finitely generated nilpotent groups, the density of their finitely generated subgroups can be studied through Dirichlet series. The paper shows how to use the analytic continuation of multivariate Euler products to study the analytic properties of the zeta - functions of these groups. ### Formula and Symbol Explanation - **Multivariate Euler Product**: \[ Z(h; s)=\prod_p h(p^{-s_1},\ldots,p^{-s_n},p) \] where \(h(X_1,\ldots,X_n,X_{n + 1}) = 1+\sum_{k = 0}^d h_k(X_1,\ldots,X_n)X_{n+1}^k\), and \(h_k\) are polynomials or analytic functions. - **Natural Boundary**: \[ V(h;\delta)=\left\{s\in\mathbb{C}^n:\langle\alpha,\sigma\rangle>\delta\text{ for all }\alpha\in\text{Ext}(h)\text{ and }\sigma_i>\delta\text{ for all }i\right\} \] - **Analytic Continuation**: \[ Z(h; s)=\prod_{n=(n_{\alpha,k})\in N(\delta)}\zeta\left(\sum_{(\alpha,k)\in Y_N}n_{\alpha,k}(\langle\alpha,s\rangle - k)\right)^{\gamma(n)}\cdot G_\delta(s) \] where \(G_\delta(s)\) is a bounded holomorphic function on \(V(h;\delta)\). Through these results, the paper not only extends the classical one - variable results to the multivariate case but also provides new tools and methods for specific problems in multiple fields.