Integrability of Superconformal Field Theory and SUSY N=1 KdV

Anton M. Zeitlin
Abstract:The quantum SUSY N=1 hierarchy based on $sl(2|1)^{(2)}$ twisted affine superalgebra is considered. The construction of the corresponding Baxter's Q-operators and fusion relations is outlined. The relation with the superconformal field theory is discussed.
High Energy Physics - Theory,Mathematical Physics,Quantum Algebra
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to apply the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method (QISM) to the supersymmetric \(N = 1\) KdV (Korteweg - de Vries) hierarchy to study its integrability and its relationship with the Superconformal Field Theory (SCFT). Specifically, the author hopes: 1. **Construct the quantum SUSY \(N = 1\) hierarchy based on the twisted affine superalgebra \(sl(2|1)^{(2)}\)**: - By introducing the corresponding Baxter Q - operator and fusion relations, explore the construction methods of these operators. 2. **Study the connection between the SUSY \(N = 1\) KdV system and the superconformal field theory**: - In particular, provide the integrability of the conformal field theory through the Virasoro algebra given by the Poisson bracket and an infinite number of conserved quantities. 3. **Apply the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method (QISM)**: - In previous studies, although there has been a lot of work on SUSY and fermion - extended KdV systems, no one has yet used the QISM method for research. This paper attempts to fill this gap and shows how to use QISM tools to study the SUSY \(N = 1\) KdV system. 4. **Construct the Q - operator and derive the related quantum super - Wronskian relations and fusion relations**: - Explore the properties of these relations in different representations and study the truncation relations when \(q\) is a root of unity. 5. **Look forward to future work**: - Plan to further study higher - order SUSY KdV hierarchies (\(N>1\)), and their relationships with super - W conformal/topological integrable field theories. ### Main formulas - **L - operator**: \[ L_F=D_{u,\theta}-D_{u,\theta}\Phi h_\alpha-(e_{\delta-\alpha}+e_\alpha) \] where \(D_{u,\theta}=\partial_\theta+\theta\partial_u\) is a super - derivative, and \(\Phi(u,\theta)=\varphi(u)-i\sqrt{2}\theta\xi(u)\) is a bosonic superfield. - **Poisson bracket of the superconformal algebra**: \[ \{U(u),U(v)\}=\delta'''(u - v)+2U'(u)\delta(u - v)+4U(u)\delta'(u - v) \] \[ \{U(u),\alpha(v)\}=3\alpha(u)\delta'(u - v)+\alpha'(u)\delta(u - v) \] \[ \{\alpha(u),\alpha(v)\}=2\delta''(u - v)+2U(u)\delta(u - v) \] - **SUSY \(N = 1\) KdV equation**: \[ U_t=-U_{uuu}+3(D_{u,\theta}U)_u \] - **Quantum super - Wronskian relation of the Baxter Q - operator**: \[ 2\cos(\pi P)=Q_+(q^{1/4}\lambda)Q_-(q^{-1/4}\lambda)+Q_+(q^{-1/4}\lambda)Q_-(q^{1/4}\lambda) \] Through these tools and methods, the author hopes to better understand the quantum properties of the SUSY \(N = 1\) KdV system and its deep - seated connection with the superconformal field theory.