Quelques aspects diophantiens des varietes toriques projectives

Patrice Philippon,Martin Sombra
Abstract: Some diophantine aspects of projective toric varieties: We present several faces of projective toric varieties, of interest from the point of view of diophantine geometry. We make explicit the theory on a number of meaningful examples and we also prove a Bezout type theorem for Chow weight of projective varieties.
Number Theory,Algebraic Geometry
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: in the proton - antiproton ($p\bar{p}$) collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, look for the abnormal production phenomenon of heavy - flavor quarks (HF) accompanied by the production of W bosons. Specifically, the author verifies the predictions of the Standard Model (SM) by studying the process of simultaneous production of W bosons and heavy - flavor quark jets. If results beyond the Standard Model's expectations are observed, it may imply the existence of new physics phenomena outside the Standard Model. The CDF collaboration previously reported an anomaly in a similar analysis, so this study also aims to verify whether this result also exists in their data. ### Main content and methods 1. **Experimental setup**: - Data collection uses the DØ detector and is carried out on the Tevatron collider with a center - of - mass energy of 1.96 TeV. - The analysis includes the electron channel (e+jets) and the muon channel (μ+jets), and 164 pb$^{-1}$ and 145 pb$^{-1}$ of data are collected respectively. 2. **Event selection**: - Events containing an isolated electron or muon are selected, and these leptons come from the decay of the W boson ($W \to e\nu$ or $W \to \mu\nu$). - It is required that there is at least one jet marked as a heavy - flavor quark jet in the event, and two marking algorithms are used: Soft Lepton Tagging (SLT) and Secondary Vertex Tagging (SVT). 3. **Background estimation**: - The Standard Model process is generated using Monte Carlo simulation, and the multi - jet background is evaluated using the "matrix method". - The main background sources include processes such as W+light quark/gluon, top quark pairs (t$\bar{t}$), Wb$\bar{b}$/c$\bar{c}$, etc. 4. **Data analysis**: - The data in different jet multiplicity distributions are compared with the Standard Model predictions. - For jets simultaneously marked by SLT and SVT, the upper limit at the 95% confidence level (C.L.) is calculated. 5. **Results and conclusions**: - No significant phenomenon beyond the Standard Model's expectations is observed in the double - marked jet sample. - The 95% C.L. upper limit is set to limit the abnormal heavy - flavor quark production rate accompanying the W boson. - The results show that for processes similar to Wb$\bar{b}$, the upper limit is 26.4 pb; for processes similar to top quarks, the upper limit is 14.9 pb. ### Summary This study verifies the predictions of the Standard Model through a detailed analysis of the simultaneous production of W bosons and heavy - flavor quark jets, and no significant phenomenon beyond expectations is found. This helps to rule out certain new physics hypotheses and provides an important reference for further research.