Linearizing N = 1 nonlinear supersymmetry with higher derivative terms of a Nambu-Goldstone fermion

Kazunari Shima,Motomu Tsuda
Abstract:We investigate for N = 1 supersymmetry (SUSY) the relation between a scalar supermultiplet of linear SUSY and a nonlinear (NL) SUSY model including apparently pathological higher derivaive terms of a Nambu-Goldstone (N-G) fermion besides the Volkov-Akulov (V-A) action. SUSY invariant relations with higher derivative terms of the N-G fermion, which connect the linear and NL SUSY models, are constructed at leading orders by heuristic arguments. We discuss a higher derivative action of the N-G fermion in the NL SUSY model, which apparently includes a (Weyl) ghost field. By using this relation, we also explicitly prove an equivalence between the standard NL SUSY V-A model and our NL SUSY model with the pathological higher derivatives as an example with respect to the universality of NL SUSY actions with the N-G fermion.
High Energy Physics - Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to explore the relationship between the linear supersymmetric model and the nonlinear supersymmetric model in N = 1 supersymmetry (SUSY), especially in the case of higher - order derivative terms containing Nambu - Goldstone fermions. Specifically, the authors studied how to connect the Volkov - Akulov (V - A) action in the nonlinear supersymmetric model with the linear supersymmetric model by introducing higher - order derivative terms of Nambu - Goldstone fermions, and proved the equivalence of these two models under certain conditions. ### Main problems and methods 1. **Research background**: - There are two different ways to realize supersymmetry: linear realization and nonlinear realization. - The linear supersymmetric model usually describes unspontaneously broken supersymmetry, while the nonlinear supersymmetric model is used to describe spontaneously broken supersymmetry, especially when Nambu - Goldstone fermions are involved. - The Volkov - Akulov model is a typical example of nonlinear supersymmetry, which describes the low - energy effective theory after supersymmetry is spontaneously broken. 2. **Research objectives**: - Explore how to establish the connection between the linear supersymmetric model and the nonlinear supersymmetric model by introducing higher - order derivative terms of Nambu - Goldstone fermions. - Prove the equivalence between the nonlinear supersymmetric model containing these higher - order derivative terms and the standard Volkov - Akulov model. 3. **Research methods**: - Use a heuristic method, starting from a hypothesis with higher - order derivative terms, and gradually construct supersymmetry - invariant relationships. - Through specific calculations, derive the relationships between various component fields (such as scalar fields, Majorana spinor fields, auxiliary fields, etc.) in the linear supersymmetric model and Nambu - Goldstone fermions. - Prove that these relationships remain supersymmetry - invariant in the presence of higher - order derivative terms. 4. **Main results**: - Successfully constructed the supersymmetry - invariant relationship between the linear supersymmetric model and the nonlinear supersymmetric model. - Discovered that the nonlinear supersymmetric model containing higher - order derivative terms can actually be equivalent to the standard Volkov - Akulov model. - Although these higher - order derivative terms seem pathological (for example, they contain Weyl ghost fields), they can eliminate their pathological properties through appropriate field re - definitions under supersymmetry - invariant conditions. ### Conclusion By introducing higher - order derivative terms of Nambu - Goldstone fermions, the authors successfully established the connection between the linear supersymmetric model and the nonlinear supersymmetric model, and proved the equivalence of the two models under specific conditions. This result not only deepens the understanding of the supersymmetry spontaneous - breaking mechanism, but also provides a new perspective for further research on supersymmetric composite unified models.