The depolarisation properties of powerful radio sources: breaking the radio-power vs. redshift degeneracy

J.A.Goodlet,C. R. Kaiser,P.N.Best,J.Dennett-Thorpe
Abstract:We define 3 samples of extragalactic radio sources of type FRII, containing 26 objects in total. The control sample consists of 6C and 7C sources with radio powers of around 10e27 W\Hz at 151 MHz and redshifts of around z=1. The other samples contain 3CRR sources with either comparable redshifts but radio powers about a decade larger or with comparable radio powers but redshifts around z = 0.4. We use these samples to investigate the possible evolution of their depolarisation and rotation measure properties with redshift and radio power independently. We used VLA data for all sources at 4800 MHz and two frequencies within the 1400 MHz band, either from our own observations or from the archive. We present maps of the total intensity flux, polarised flux, depolarisation, spectral index, rotation measure and magnetic field direction where not previously published. Radio cores were detected in twelve of the twenty-six radio sources. Fourteen of the sources show a strong Laing-Garrington effect but almost all of the sources show some depolarisation asymmetry. All sources show evidence for an external Faraday screen being responsible for the observed depolarisation. We find that sources at higher redshift are more strongly depolarised. Rotation measure shows no trend with either redshift or radio power, however variations in the rotation measure across individual sources increase with the redshift of the sources but do not depend on their radio power.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### What problem does this paper attempt to solve? This paper aims to solve the problem of the relationship between the depolarization characteristics of radio sources and their redshift and radio power. Specifically, the author attempts to break the degeneracy between radio power and redshift, which is caused by Malmquist bias and exists in all flux - limited samples. #### Background and Motivation 1. **Research Background**: - Observing the polarization characteristics of extragalactic radio sources can provide information about the relationship between the properties of radio sources and their environment and reveal the evolution of these properties with redshift. - Many previous studies had difficulty distinguishing the influence of radio power and redshift on polarization characteristics due to Malmquist bias. For example, Kronberg et al. (1972) found that the depolarization of radio sources increases with redshift, while Morris & Tabara (1973) found that depolarization increases with radio luminosity. These two phenomena are difficult to distinguish in flux - limited samples. 2. **Research Motivation**: - Determine the relationship between radio power and environment: Do radio sources become brighter because of the dense medium in which they are located and, as a result, are more easily depolarized? - Explore the evolution of the environment with redshift: Do radio sources in different cosmic epochs exist in different environments, or do their intrinsic properties change with redshift? #### Research Methods To break this degeneracy, the author defined three sub - samples: - **Control Sample (Sample A)**: Sources from the 6C and 7C catalogs, with redshift \( z\approx1 \) and radio power of about \( 10^{27}\, \text{W Hz}^{-1} \) (151 MHz). - **High - Power Sample (Sample B)**: Sources from the revised 3CRR survey, with the same redshift range but an order of magnitude higher radio power. - **Low - Redshift Sample (Sample C)**: Also from the 3CRR catalog, with redshift \( z\approx0.4 \) and radio power similar to that of the control sample. By comparing the depolarization, rotation measure and other polarization characteristics of these samples, the author hopes to answer the following questions: - Is there a relationship between radio power and the environment in which radio sources are located? - Do these environments evolve with redshift? ### Summary The main goal of this paper is to break the degeneracy between radio power and redshift and reveal the evolution laws of radio sources and their environment by selecting radio source samples with different redshifts and radio powers and studying the evolution of their depolarization characteristics.