Quantization of Bosonic String Model in 26+2-dimensional Spacetime

Takuya Tsukioka,Yoshiyuki Watabiki
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217751X04017641
Abstract:We investigate the quantization of the bosonic string model which has a local U(1)_V * U(1)_A gauge invariance as well as the general coordinate and Weyl invariance on the world-sheet. The model is quantized by Lagrangian and Hamiltonian BRST formulations {á} la Batalin, Fradkin and Vilkovisky and noncovariant light-cone gauge formulation. Upon the quantization the model turns out to be formulated consistently in 26+2-dimensional background spacetime involving two time-like coordinates.
High Energy Physics - Theory
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is the quantization problem of the bosonic string model with two time - like coordinates. Specifically, the author studied the bosonic string model in the 26 + 2 - dimensional spacetime background, which has local U(1)V×U(1)A gauge symmetry as well as general coordinate and Weyl invariance on the world - sheet. ### Main problems 1. **Quantization consistency**: Ensure that the model can be self - consistently quantized in the case of introducing two time - like coordinates. 2. **Critical dimension**: Determine the critical dimension of this model and verify whether it is different from the known bosonic string theories (such as 25 + 1 - dimensional). 3. **Mass spectrum**: Explore the mass spectrum at the quantum level to understand the physical properties of the model. 4. **Gauge invariance**: Perform quantization while maintaining U(1)V×U(1)A gauge symmetry. ### Specific methods - **Lagrangian and Hamiltonian BRST formulation**: Use the Batalin, Fradkin and Vilkovisky (BFV) method for covariant quantization. - **Light - cone gauge**: Quantize in the non - covariant light - cone gauge to directly handle dynamical problems. ### Key points - **Generalized Chern - Simons action**: This action is defined on the two - dimensional world - sheet and is crucial for maintaining the covariance of the model. - **Reducibility and open algebra**: The gauge symmetry of the model has the characteristics of reducibility and open algebra and requires special treatment. - **Unitarity**: Verify whether the existence of two time - like coordinates conflicts with the unitarity of the theory. Through these methods, the author has successfully demonstrated how to quantize the bosonic string model in the 26 + 2 - dimensional background and determined its critical dimension to be 26 + 2. This provides important clues for further understanding multi - time - coordinate physics.