Martin R. Bridson,Pierre de la Harpe
Abstract:We prove that the reduced C*-algebras of centerless mapping class groups and outer automorphism groups of free groups are simple, as are the irreducible pure subgroups of mapping class groups and the analogous subgroups of outer automorphism groups of free groups.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to prove that the reduced \(C^*\)-algebras of mapping class groups and outer automorphism groups of free groups are simple (i.e., have no nontrivial two - sided ideals). Specifically, the authors need to prove that the reduced \(C^*\)-algebras \(C^*_\lambda(\Gamma)\) of these groups are simple complex algebras.
### Background and Motivation
1. **\(C^*\)-Simplicity**:
- A group \(\Gamma\) is called \(C^*\)-simple if its reduced \(C^*\)-algebra \(C^*_\lambda(\Gamma)\) is simple, that is, has no nontrivial two - sided ideals.
- \(C^*\)-simplicity can be regarded as a property of the unitary representation theory of groups. By definition, \(C^*_\lambda(\Gamma)\) is the norm - closure of the complex group algebra \(C[\Gamma]\) under the left - regular representation \(\lambda_\Gamma: C[\Gamma]\to L(\ell^2(\Gamma))\), where \((\lambda_\Gamma(\gamma)\xi)(x)=\xi(\gamma^{-1}x)\) holds for all \(x\in\Gamma\) and \(\xi\in\ell^2(\Gamma)\).
2. **Known \(C^*\)-Simple Groups**:
- Non - abelian free groups [Pow - 75]
- Non - trivial free products [PaS - 79]
- Torsion - free and non - elementary hyperbolic groups [Har - 85, Har - 88]
- Zariski - dense subgroups of connected semisimple real Lie groups with zero center [BCH2 - 94]
3. **Mapping Class Groups and Outer Automorphism Groups**:
- Mapping class groups and outer automorphism groups of free groups are usually not included in the above - known categories of \(C^*\)-simple groups.
- However, since there are interesting analogies between these groups and lattices of semisimple Lie groups, researchers hope that this analogy can also be applied to the proof of \(C^*\)-simplicity.
### Main Results
- **Mapping Class Groups**:
- Except for low - genus exceptional cases, mapping class groups are \(C^*\)-simple.
- By proving that these groups satisfy the Powers criterion, the authors show that their reduced \(C^*\)-algebras are simple.
- **Outer Automorphism Groups of Free Groups**:
- When \(n\geq3\), the outer automorphism group \(Out(F_n)\) of free groups is \(C^*\)-simple.
- By a similar method, the authors prove that these groups also satisfy the Powers criterion.
### Methods and Techniques
- **Powers Criterion**:
- A group \(\Gamma\) is called a Powers group if it satisfies the following conditions:
- For any finite subset \(F\subset\Gamma\setminus\{e\}\) and any integer \(N\geq1\), there exists a partition \(\Gamma = C\sqcup D\) and elements \(\gamma_1,\ldots,\gamma_N\in\Gamma\) such that \(fC\cap C=\emptyset\) for all \(f\in F\), and \(\gamma_jD\cap\gamma_kD=\emptyset\) for all \(j\neq k\).
- The \(C^*\)-algebra of a Powers group is simple.
- **Dynamical Methods**:
- By studying the actions of groups on certain spaces, especially the north - south dynamics, the authors prove that