Quantum probabilities and violation of CHSH-inequality from classical random signals and threshold type properly calibrated detectors
Andrei Khrennikov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1143/PTP.128.31
Abstract:We present a purely wave model (based on classical random field) which reproduces quantum probabilities (given by the fundamental law of quantum mechanics, Born's rule) including probabilities for joint detection of a pair of quantum observables (e.g., spin or polarization projections). The crucial point of our approach is that the presence of detector's threshold and calibration procedure have to be treated not as simply experimental technicalities, but as the basic counteparts of the theoretical model. The presence of the background field (vacuum fluctuations) is also the key-element of our prequantum model. It is of the classical signal type and the methods of classical signal theory (including statistical radiophysics) are used for its development. We stress that our prequantum model is not objective, i.e., the values of observables (clicks of detectors) cannot be assigned in advance, i.e., before measurement. Hence, the dilemma, nonobjectivity or nonlocality, is resolved in favor of nonobjectivity (our model is local of the classical field type). In particular, we reproduce the probabilities for the EPR-experiment for photon polarization and, hence, violate CHSH inequality for classical random signals (measured by the threshold type and properly calibrated detectors acting in the presence of the background field).
Quantum Physics,Mathematical Physics,Functional Analysis,Probability