Defective Communication and the Lack of Communication-Main Causes of Security Crises between Communities Belonging to Different Cultures

Mihail Orzeaţă
Abstract:1. THE LACK OF COMMUNICATION AND ITS EFFECTS ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSAlthough it has been demonstrated with viable arguments that people and human communities communicate permanentlty in various ways, we use to say that certain individuals and, respectively, certain communities do not comuni cate with one another. The syntagm "lack of communication" refers really only to the lack of direct communication, especially oral and written. Most of people communicate directly-orally or in writing-because this type of communication gives them the opportunity to explicitly convey messages regarding goals and interests, as well as the ways and means by which they will advocate them in competition or ne gociations with a third party.Unfortunately, direct communication doesn't necessarily open the way toward a succesful solution for settling the disputes between individuals or communities. On the other hand, through direct communication intermediaries are excluded and, implicitly, misinterpretation or distortion of the messages between the two negociating parties are reduced.Breakdown of direct communication is a decision by which another form of communication is chosen, usually idirect or through intermediaries. The individual or the community making this decision seeks to communicate to the negociating party or the enemy, as well as to internal and international communities that the management of controversial issues will be carried out in different ways and by other means than the mediating, peaceful way. History offers us enough examples to illustrate situations of the sort.Armenia and Turkey interrupted diplomatic relations because Armenia had asked Turkey to admit the Armenian genocide during the First World War. Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, in the U.S. state of Massachusetts has published a statistic showing that in the year 1914 there lived 2.193. 190 persons of Armenian nationality on the Ottoman Empire territory, while in 1922 there had been left only 387. 800.1 It is unlikely that the difference between the number of Armenians in 1914 and that in 1922 comprised only people who had died because of the Turkish military retaliations. On the other hand, in 1922 the Ottoman Empire no longer existed and Turkey, its successor, had a much smaller area than that of the empire. It is quite likely that a part of the people who had not got included by the census on Turkish territory emigrated to other countries, during and after the ceasing of military confrontations, because the Turkish officials admit the deaths of aproximately 500. 000 Armenian persons during the mentioned period of time.The official position of Turkey on the events that had generated the already mentioned casualties is that they died because of the war and not because of some Turkish military retaliations against the Armenians. On the other hand, the Armenians advocate that the human victims have been caused by executions, mass deportations in the Syrian desert to Syria and Iraq, by the imprisonment and ill-treatment in prisons of people who had no other fault but that of being of their own countrymen.2 The French historian Jean Baptiste Duroselle considers as masacre the rough attitude of certain Turkish military against the Armenians during the First World War. ("On the 6th of March, 1921, in Moskow, Mustafa Kemal concluded a treaty through which Russia gave Turkey the ^Armenian n.n.t districts Kars and Ardahan, depopulated by masacres and exile").3 Nowadays, the retaliations against Armenians are considered genocide in 21 countries around the world.4"The Architect" of Turkish retaliations against the Armenians is considered to be Talaat Pasha, former interior minister and then prime minister during the First World War. The former Turkish official kept a journal, called by some authors "black covered book" (the black book), where he noted the details of those events. The journal was used for writing his memoirs, published posthumously in Time, in 1921. …
Sociology,Political Science
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