N. M. Makarov,Yu.V. Tarasov
Abstract:Transport properties of narrow two-dimensional conducting wires in which the electron scattering is caused by side edges' roughness have been studied. The method for calculating dynamic characteristics of such conductors is proposed which is based on the two-scale representation of the mode wave functions at weak scattering. With this method, fundamentally different {\it by-height} and {\it by-slope} scattering mechanisms associated with edge roughness are discriminated. The results for single-mode systems, previously obtained by conventional methods, are proven to correspond to the former mechanism only. Yet the commonly ignored by-slope scattering is more likely dominant. The electron extinction lengths relevant to this scattering differ substantially in functional structure from those pertinent to the by-height scattering. The transmittance of ultra-quantum wires is calculated over all range of scattering parameters, from ballistic to localized transport of quasi-particles. The obtained dependence of scattering lengths on the disorder parameters is valid qualitatively for arbitrary inter-correlation of the boundaries' defects.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study the electron scattering mechanism in two - dimensional rough - surfaced conductors and its influence on the transmission characteristics. Specifically, the author focuses on electron scattering caused by the roughness of the side boundaries and proposes a method based on the two - scale mode wave function representation to calculate the dynamic characteristics of these conductors.
### Main problems
1. **Appropriate method for describing electron scattering from statistically rough surfaces**:
- The author needs a theory to link the transmission characteristics of conduction electrons with the shape of the conductor boundaries so as to be able to accurately describe and interpret experimental data.
2. **Correct handling of the interference of multiple - scattering quantum waves**:
- This is crucial for describing the non - dissipative (Anderson) localization effect within the framework of perturbation theory.
### Research background
- **Limitations of traditional research**: Most theoretical studies are limited to flat surfaces, while in reality, the side boundaries of mesoscopic conductors are either naturally rough (due to growth, fracture, etc.) or artificially patterned (for example, prepared by lithography).
- **Wide applications**: Conductive systems with rough surfaces have wide applications in technology and materials science (such as quantum conductors, optical fibers, etc.), so it is very important to understand how the boundary shape affects the transmission of charges or classical waves.
### Research objectives
- **Distinguish different scattering mechanisms**: The author proposes two different scattering mechanisms - height scattering (by - height, BH) and slope scattering (by - slope, BS). The former is caused by the deviation of the boundary from the ideal shape, and the latter is caused by the boundary slope fluctuations.
- **Analyze the scattering length dependence**: The scattering length is studied as a function of the disorder parameter, and it is demonstrated that BS scattering may dominate in some cases.
- **Calculate transmission characteristics**: The transmission characteristics of superconducting quantum wires are calculated over the entire range of scattering parameters, from ballistic transmission to the localization transmission of quasiparticles.
### Method innovation
- **Two - scale mode wave function representation method**: This method can effectively distinguish BH and BS scattering mechanisms under weak scattering conditions and analyze their competitive relationship.
- **“Smoothing” coordinate transformation**: The problem is simplified by local mode representation, avoiding complex boundary conditions, thus making non - perturbative analysis easier.
### Conclusion
By introducing new statistical models and mathematical methods, the author successfully distinguishes and analyzes the two scattering mechanisms and reveals their competitive behavior under different roughness statistical parameters. This provides a new perspective and tool for understanding electron transmission in mesoscopic conductors.
### Formula summary
- **Conductivity formula**:
g(L)=-\frac{4}{L^{2}}\int_{-L / 2}^{L / 2}dx\int_{-L / 2}^{L / 2}dx'\left(\frac{\partial G(x,x')}{\partial x}\frac{\partial G^{*}(x,x')}{\partial x'}\right)
- **Mode Green's function equation**:
\left[\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}+k_{1}^{2}+i0 - V_{h}(x)-V_{s}(x)\right]G_{11}(x,x')-\int_{-L / 2}^{L / 2}dx_{1}\hat{K}(x,x_{1})G_{11}(x_{1},x')=\delta(x - x')
These formulas show how the author studies and distinguishes different scattering mechanisms through mathematical modeling, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of electron transmission behavior in two - dimensional rough - surfaced conductors.