Sections de la puissance symetrique du fibre tautologique sur le schema de Hilbert ponctuel d'une surface

Gentiana Danila
Abstract:We compute the space of global sections for the symmetric power of the tautological bundle on the punctual Hilbert scheme of a complex smooth projective surface.
Algebraic Geometry
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is to calculate the global section space of the tensor power of the tautological bundle on the punctual Hilbert scheme \(X[n]\) of a smooth projective surface \(X\). Specifically, the author Gentiana Danila studied the global section space of the tensor power \((L[n])^{\otimes k}\) of the tautological bundle \(L[n]\) and proved an important isomorphism theorem. ### Specific Problem Description Let \(X\) be a smooth projective surface over the complex number field, \(L\) be an invertible sheaf (line bundle) on \(X\), and \(n\) be a positive integer. Denote \(T = X[n]\) as the Hilbert scheme that parameterizes subschemes of length \(n\) on \(X\). It is a smooth and projective scheme with dimension \(2n\). Consider the incidence variety \(Z\subset T\times X\) which contains points \((\xi, x)\) such that \(x\in\text{supp}(\xi)\). Define the projections \(\pi: Z\rightarrow T\) and \(p: Z\rightarrow X\). Define \(L[n]=\pi_*(p^*L)\), which is a locally free sheaf (vector bundle) of rank \(n\). Further consider the projections \(\pi\) and \(p\) on the fiber product \((Z/T)^k\), as well as the properties of the finite flat morphism \(\pi\). ### Main Results The author's main goal is to prove the following theorem: **Theorem 1**: If \(n\geq k\geq0\), then the map \[ p^*: H^0(X, L)^{\otimes k}\to H^0(X[n], (L[n])^{\otimes k}) \] is an isomorphism of \(S_k\)-representations. **Corollary 2**: If \(n\geq k\geq0\), then \[ H^0(X[n], S^kL[n])\cong S^kH^0(X, L). \] ### Methods and Proof Ideas To prove Theorem 1, the author completes it by studying the intersections obtained from the standard stratification of \(X^k\) in \((Z/T)^k\). Specifically, consider a partition \(P = \{P_1,\ldots, P_m\}\) of the set \(\{1,\ldots, k\}\) and analyze the corresponding locally closed subsets \(\Delta_P\). The key steps include: - Proving that \((Z/T)^k\) is reduced. - Analyzing the stratification structure of \((Z/T)^k\) and its relationship with \(X^k\). - Using the action of the symmetric group \(S_k\) to simplify the problem to a specific stratification. - Using the blow - up construction and related lemmas to gradually prove the required isomorphism. Through these steps, the author finally proves the above theorem and corollary, thus solving the problem of calculating the global section space of the tensor power of the tautological bundle. ### Applications and Significance This work not only has theoretical significance in algebraic geometry, but also provides an important tool for understanding the section space of Donaldson determinant bundles on moduli spaces. For example, when calculating the section space of Donaldson determinant bundles on the moduli space of semi - stable bundles, these results can simplify the calculation process.