Ankle-like Feature in the Energy Spectrum of Light Elements of Cosmic Rays Observed with KASCADE-Grande
W.D. Apel,J.C. Arteaga-Velàzquez,K. Bekk,M. Bertaina,J. Blümer,H. Bozdog,I.M. Brancus,E. Cantoni,A. Chiavassa,F. Cossavella,K. Daumiller,V. de Souza,F. Di Pierro,P. Doll,R. Engel,J. Engler,M. Finger,B. Fuchs,D. Fuhrmann,H.J. Gils,R. Glasstetter,C. Grupen,A. Haungs,D. Heck,J.R. Hörandel,D. Huber,T. Huege,K.-H. Kampert,D. Kang,H.O. Klages,K. Link,P. Łuczak,M. Ludwig,H.J. Mathes,H.J. Mayer,M. Melissas,J. Milke,B. Mitrica,C. Morello,J. Oehlschläger,S. Ostapchenko,N. Palmieri,M. Petcu,T. Pierog,H. Rebel,M. Roth,H. Schieler,S. Schoo,F.G. Schröder,O. Sima,G. Toma,G.C. Trinchero,H. Ulrich,A. Weindl,J. Wochele,M. Wommer,J. Zabierowski
Abstract:Recent results of the KASCADE-Grande experiment provided evidence for a mild knee-like structure in the all-particle spectrum of cosmic rays at $E = 10^{16.92 \pm 0.10} \, \mathrm{eV}$, which was found to be due to a steepening in the flux of heavy primary particles. The spectrum of the combined components of light and intermediate masses was found to be compatible with a single power law in the energy range from $10^{16.3} \, \mathrm{eV}$ to $10^{18} \, \mathrm{eV}$. In this paper, we present an update of this analysis by using data with increased statistics, originating both from a larger data set including more recent measurements and by using a larger fiducial area. In addition, optimized selection criteria for enhancing light primaries are applied. We find a spectral feature for light elements, namely a hardening at $E = 10^{17.08 \pm 0.08} \, \mathrm{eV}$ with a change of the power law index from $-3.25 \pm 0.05$ to $-2.79 \pm 0.08$.
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena