Longitudinal double-spin asymmetry and cross section for inclusive neutral pion production <?format ?>at midrapidity in polarized proton collisions at

BI Abelev, MM Aggarwal, Z Ahammed, AV Alakhverdyants, BD Anderson, D Arkhipkin, GS Averichev, J Balewski, O Barannikova, LS Barnby, S Baumgart, DR Beavis, R Bellwied, F Benedosso, MJ Betancourt, RR Betts, A Bhasin, AK Bhati, H Bichsel, J Bielcik, J Bielcikova, B Biritz, LC Bland, BE Bonner, J Bouchet, E Braidot, AV Brandin, A Bridgeman, E Bruna, S Bueltmann, I Bunzarov, TP Burton, XZ Cai, H Caines, M Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, O Catu, D Cebra, R Cendejas, MC Cervantes, Z Chajecki, P Chaloupka, S Chattopadhyay, HF Chen, JH Chen, JY Chen, J Cheng, M Cherney, A Chikanian, KE Choi, W Christie, P Chung, RF Clarke, MJM Codrington, R Corliss, JG Cramer, HJ Crawford, D Das, S Dash, A Davila Leyva, LC De Silva, RR Debbe, TG Dedovich, M DePhillips, AA Derevschikov, R Derradi De Souza, L Didenko, P Djawotho, SM Dogra, X Dong, JL Drachenberg, JE Draper, JC Dunlop, MR Dutta Mazumdar, LG Efimov, E Elhalhuli, M Elnimr, J Engelage, G Eppley, B Erazmus, M Estienne, L Eun, P Fachini, R Fatemi, J Fedorisin, RG Fersch, P Filip, E Finch, V Fine, Y Fisyak, CA Gagliardi, DR Gangadharan, MS Ganti, EJ Garcia-Solis, A Geromitsos, F Geurts, V Ghazikhanian, P Ghosh, YN Gorbunov, A Gordon, O Grebenyuk, D Grosnick, B Grube, SM Guertin, A Gupta, N Gupta, W Guryn, B Haag, TJ Hallman, A Hamed, L-X Han, JW Harris, JP Hays-Wehle, M Heinz, S Heppelmann, A Hirsch, E Hjort, AM Hoffman, GW Hoffmann, DJ Hofman, RS Hollis, HZ Huang, TJ Humanic, L Huo, G Igo, A Iordanova, P Jacobs, WW Jacobs, P Jakl, C Jena, F Jin, CL Jones, PG Jones, J Joseph, EG Judd, S Kabana, K Kajimoto, K Kang, J Kapitan, K Kauder, D Keane, A Kechechyan, D Kettler, DP Kikola, J Kiryluk, A Kisiel, SR Klein, AG Knospe, A Kocoloski, DD Koetke, T Kollegger
Abstract:We report a measurement of the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry and the differential cross section for inclusive production at midrapidity in polarized proton collisions at . The cross section was measured over a transverse momentum range of and found to be in good agreement with a next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculation. The longitudinal double-spin asymmetry was measured in the range of and excludes a maximal positive gluon polarization in the proton. The mean transverse momentum fraction of ’s in their parent jets was found to be around 0.7 for electromagnetically triggered events.
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