Inclusive Cross Section and Single Transverse Spin Asymmetry for Very Forward Neutron Production in Polarizedp+pcollisions Ats=200

A. Adare,S. Afanasiev,Christine Angela Aidala,N. N. Ajitanand,Y. Akiba,H. Al-Bataineh,J. Alexander,Kazuo Aoki,Laurent Bernard Aphecetche,J. Asai,E. T. Atomssa,R. Averbeck,T. C. Awes,B. Azmoun,V. Babintsev,Mei Bai,G. Baksay,L. Baksay,Alberto Baldisseri,K. N. Barish,P. D. Barnes,B. Bassalleck,A. Basye,S. Bathe,S. Batsouli,V. Baublis,C. Baumann,A. Bazilevsky,С. Беликов,R. Bennett,A. Berdnikov,Y. Berdnikov,A. A. Bickley,J. G. Boissevain,Hervé Borel,K. Boyle,M. L. Brooks,Henner Buesching,V. Bumazhnov,G. Bunce,S. Butsyk,C. Muñoz Camacho,S. Campbell,B. Chang,W. C. Chang,J. L. Charvet,S. Chernichenko,C. Y.,M. Chiu,I. J. Choi,R. K. Choudhury,T. Chujo,P. Chung,A. Churyn,V. Cianciolo,Zvi Hirsh Citron,B. Cole,P. Constantin,Máté Csanád,Tamás Ferenc Csörgő,T. Dahms,S. Dairaku,K. Das,G. David,A. Denisov,David dʼEnterria,A. Deshpande,E. J. Desmond,O. Dietzsch,A. Dion,M. Donadelli,O. Drapier,A. Drees,K. A. Drees,A. K. Dubey,A. Durum,Dipanwita Dutta,V. Dzhordzhadze,Y. V. Efremenko,F. Ellinghaus,T. Engelmore,A. Enokizono,H. Enʼyo,S. Esumi,K. O. Eyser,B. Fadem,D.E. Fields,Miroslav Finger,F. Fleuret,Sergey Fokin,Z. Fraenkel,J. E. Frantz,A. Franz,A. D. Frawley,Kohei Fujiwara,Y. Fukao,Takahiro Fusayasu,I. Garishvili,A. Glenn,H. Gong,M. Gonin,J. Gösset,Y. Goto,Raphaël Granier de Cassagnac,N. Grau,Senta Greene,M. Grosse Perdekamp,Taku Gunji,H.-Å. Gustafsson,A. Hadj Henni,J. S. Haggerty,H. Hamagaki,R. Han,E. P. Hartouni,K. Haruna,E. Haslum,R. Hayano,X. He,M. Heffner,T. K. Hemmick,T. Hester,J. C. Hill,Marcus Hohlmann,W. Holzmann,K. Homma,Byung-Sik Hong,T. Horaguchi,D. Hornback,S. Huang,T. Ichihara,R. Ichimiya,H. Iinuma,Y. Ikeda,K. Imai,J. Imrek,Motoi Inaba,D. Isenhower,M. Ishihara,T. Isobe,M. Issah,A. Isupov,D. Ivanischev,Barbara Jacak,Jiangyong Jia,J. Jin,B. M. Johnson,K. Joo,D. Jouan,F. Kajihara,S. Kametani,N. Kamihara,Jason Kamin,J. H. Kang,J.S. Kapustinsky,D. Kawall,Andrey Kazantsev,T. Kempel,Alexei Khanzadeev,K. M. Kijima,Jun Kikuchi,B. I. Kim,D. H. Kim,D. J. Kim,E. Kim,S. H. Kim,E. Kinney,K. Kiriluk,Á. Kiss,E. Kistenev,Jennifer Lynn Klay,Christian Klein-Boesing,L. Kochenda,B. Komkov,M. Konno,J. Koster,A. Kozlov,A. Král,A. Kravitz,G. J. Kunde,K. Kurita,M. Kurosawa,Min Jung Kweon,Y. Kwon,G. S. Kyle,R. Lacey,Yue Shi Lai,J. G. Lajoie,D. Layton,A. Lebedev,D. M. Lee,K. B. Lee,T. Lee,M. J. Leitch,Marco Aurélio Lisboa Leite,B. Lenzi,X. Li,P. Liebing,T. Liška,A. Litvinenko,H. Liu,M. X. Liu,B. Love,D. Lynch,Charles Maguire,Y. I. Makdisi,Alexander Malakhov,M. D. Malik,Vladislav Manko,E. Mannel,Yajun Mao,L. Mašek,H. Masui,F. Matathias,M. McCumber,P. L. McGaughey,N. Means,B. Meredith,Y. Miake,P. Mikeš,K. Miki,A. Milov,M. Mishra,J. T. Mitchell,A. K. Mohanty,Y. Morino,Astrid Morréale,D. P. Morrison,T. V. Moukhanova,D. Mukhopadhyay,J. Murata,S. Nagamiya,James Lawrence Nagle,M. Naglis,Marton Imre Nagy,I. Nakagawa,Y. Nakamiya,T. Nakamura,K. Nakano,J. Newby,Matthew Nguyen,T. Niida,R. Nouicer,Alexander Nyanin,E. O’Brien,Susumu Oda,C. A. Ogilvie,M. Oka,K. Okada,Y. Onuki,A. Oskarsson,M. Ouchida,K. Ozawa,R. Pak,A. P. T. Palounek,V. Pantuev,V. Papavassiliou,J. Park,W. J. Park,S. F. Pate,Hua Pei,J. C. Peng,H. Pereira,V. Peresedov,D. Yu. Peressounko,C. Pinkenburg,M. L. Purschke,A. K. Purwar,Huilin Qu,J. Rak,Andry Malala Rakotozafindrabe,Ilia Ravinovich,A. L. Read,S. Rembeczki,Klaus Johannes Reygers,Viktor Riabov,Y. Riabov,D. Roach,G. Roche,S. D. Rolnick,M. Rosati,S. S. E. Rosendahl,P. Rosnet,P. Rukoyatkin,P. Růžička,V. L. Rykov,B. Sahlmueller,N. Saito,T. Sakaguchi,S. Sakai,K. Sakashita,V. Samsonov,T. Sato,S. Sawada,K. Sedgwick,J. Seele,R. Seidl,A. Semenov,V. Semenov,R. Seto,D. Sharma,I. Shein,T.-A. Shibata,Kenta Shigaki,Maya Hachiya Shimomura,Shoji Kido,Prashant Shukla,Anne Marie Sickles,C. L. Silva,David Olle Rickard Silvermyr,C. Silvestre,K. S. Sim,B. K. Singh,C. P. Singh,V. Singh,M. Slunečka,A. Soldatov,R. A. Soltz,W. E. Sondheim,S. P. Sørensen,I. V. Sourikova,F. Staley,P. W. Stankus,E. Stenlund,M. Stepanov,A. Ster,S. P. Stoll,T. Sugitate,Christophe Pierre Suire,A. Sukhanov,J. Sziklai,E. M. Takagui,A. Taketani,R. Tanabe,Y. Tanaka,K. Tanida,M. J. Tannenbaum,A. Taranenko,P. Tarján,H. Themann,T. L. Thomas,M. Togawa,Alberica Toia,L. Tomášek,Yasuhiro Tomita,H. Torii,R. S. Towell,V. N. Tram,I. Tserruya,Y. Tsuchimoto,C. Vale,H. Valle,H. W. van Hecke,A. Veicht,Julia Velkovska,Róbert Vértesi,А. Виноградов,M. Virius,V. Vrba,E. Vznuzdaev,X. R. Wang,Yosuke Watanabe,F. Wei,Johannes Peter Wessels,S. White,D. Winter,C. L. Woody,M. Wysocki,Wei Xie,Yohei Yamaguchi,K. Yamaura,R. Yang,A. Yanovich,J. Ying,S. Yokkaichi,G. R. Young,I. Younus,I. E. Yushmanov,W. A. Zajc,O. Zaudtke,C. Zhang,S. Zhou,L. Zolin
Abstract:The energy dependence of the single-transverse-spin asymmetry, ${A}_{N}$, and the cross section for neutron production at very forward angles were measured in the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider for polarized $p+p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=200\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{GeV}$. The neutrons were observed in forward detectors covering an angular range of up to 2.2 mrad. We report results for neutrons with a momentum fraction of ${x}_{F}=0.45$ to 1.0. The energy dependence of the measured cross sections were consistent with ${x}_{F}$ scaling, compared to measurements by an experiment at the Intersecting Storage Ring, which measured neutron production in unpolarized $p+p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=30.6--62.7\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{GeV}$. The cross sections for large ${x}_{F}$ neutron production for $p+p$ collisions, as well as those in $e+p$ collisions measured at the Hadron-Electron Ring Accelerator, are described by a pion exchange mechanism. The observed forward neutron asymmetries were large, reaching ${A}_{N}=\ensuremath{-}0.08\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.02$ for ${x}_{F}=0.8$; the measured backward asymmetries, for negative ${x}_{F}$, were consistent with zero. The observed asymmetry for forward neutron production is discussed within the pion exchange framework, with interference between the spin-flip amplitude due to the pion exchange and nonflip amplitudes from all Reggeon exchanges. Within the pion exchange description, the measured neutron asymmetry is sensitive to the contribution of other Reggeon exchanges even for small amplitudes.
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