H++ is an automated system that computes pK values of ionizable groups in macromolecules and adds missing hydrogen atoms according to the specified pH of the environment. Given a (PDB) structure file on input, H++ outputs the completed structure in several common formats (PDB, PQR, AMBER inpcrd/prmtop) and provides a set of tools for analysis of electrostatic-related molecular properties.
H++是一个自动化系统,可以计算大分子中可电离基团的pK值,并根据环境的指定pH值添加缺失的氢原子。给定输入上的(PDB)结构文件,H++以几种常见格式(PDB、PQR、AMBER inpcrd/prmtop)输出完整的结构,并提供一组用于分析静电相关分子特性的工具。
Structure and function of macromolecules depend critically on the ionization (protonation) states ( pK ) of their acidic and basic groups. For example, affinities of proteins for ligands depend on the pKs of the groups in or near the binding sites; groups with unusual pKs are often found in active sites of enzymes. Atomistic simulations of macromolecules require specification of the protonation state of the titratable groups. Whether or not a given group is protonated depends, in a non-trivial way, on the position of the group within the molecule as well on the characteristics of the surrounding solvent such as its pH and ionic strength.
Experimental determination (usually by NMR) of protonation equilibria is expensive and often can not be performed for every group of interest. The most common source of high resolution structures -- X-ray crystallography -- normally does not provide positions of the hydrogen atoms. The gap is bridged by theoretical methods that predict protonation states (pK) of ionizable groups within the macromolecule based on its atomic resolution structure. This web site provides access to a set of tools that automate this process.